The End.

This blog has come to an end! I'm starting a new blog, as this one has turned into a family blog, which wasn't it's intention. It will continue, but privately, as I do love having a record of these years with my  kids.

I am starting a new blog, which won't feature the kids in any way. If you would like to follow along it can be found at It should be up and running in a few days and my intention is to update it daily.

Cheers! Thanks to the few readers that I had, especially for your love and encouragement through my journey through my broken hip and Jake's illness. You were part of a support system that carried me through those terrible times.

xoxo. This blog will disappear in a few days as I transition to that one.


  1. Will miss reading about your precious lovies, but I get it! Will follow your new journey on your new site! I enjoy reading your writing!!


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