Switching Gears

What is Fitzone?
A heart rate base, circuit style-group personal training program. We use the latest technology in real time heart rate monitoring for work intensity. The training style we use has been scientifically prove to give you results. You get all the advantages of working with a personal trainer and the high energy of group exercise.
The Science: Afterburn – as little as 20 minutes of exercise spent at an intensity level of above 85% max heart rate will boost your metabolism during your workout and keep it elevated for the next 12-24 hours as your body recovers. Therefore, you will burn more fat during your recovery.
READ: http://myzone.org/blog/trainers/epoc-explained/,https://www.acefitness.org/blog/5008/7-things-to- know-about-excess-post-exercise-oxygen

I'm switching gears a little bit! I'm really excited to be training to be a group ex pro!

Yoga is my sanity. Its my therapy. I love it, and my day is not complete without an hour of yoga. I've been practicing for 23 years and it is a big part of my life and my journey. That said, I've transitioned to exercise yoga. I can't sugarcoat it, that is what CorePower yoga is. That isn't an insult in any way, I love to exercise and I dont mind exercise yoga at all. It does just about the same trick for me ~ I leave focused and calm and centered and grateful. What I don't leave with is any new knowledge. I'm not growing in my teaching practice, even as I grow personally in my own physical practice. The longer I live the more I realize that life is really just a series of phases. I'm in a growth phase and I'm keeping myself open to whatever direction life leads me in. I will continue to teach the yoga classes that I currently have, but am attending a Pound training in early Dec and I'm currently studying and shadowing to be a fit zone leader. Fit zone is.....well, its the above. We have an amazing state of the art space and enthusiastic students who have been participating for years. 

Today the kids have off of school for Election Day and Nate is out of town so I had to hire a sitter so that I could  train. Here is the sample workout I'll be teaching today!

3 rounds 4-4-1
Round 1 - 4 Minutes
Station One - Bosu Station Two - BandsStation Three -DBStation Four - RowStation Five - WB
Center of roomBackroomFront CenterBagsFZ wall
Burpee up and OversMonster Walk DB squat and Push off1 min- 75-80% Wall Balls - 8-10-12
6-8-10 *5-6-7 each way10-12-14 *90 Sec. 83-85%Wall Ball roll & Jump
Truck Drivers 8-10-12Hammer Curls 10-12-14Reverse Fly (back) 8-10-1230 sec: 87-89%4-6-8
Squat To OH RainbowHigh Knees - 16-18-20Tricep Kick backs 30 sec. SPRINTWB Toe taps 10-12-14
* count burpees*count push-off
Round 2 - 4 Minutes
Station One - BosuStation Two - BandsStation Three -DBStation Four - RowStation Five - WB
Bosu Burpee Chest PressLeg Kickbacks Squat to rotating OH Press1 min - 80-85%WB Thrusters - throw
6-8-1010-12-1410-12-14 total2 min. - 20 sec sprint thenup - hit ground
Shimmies 8-10-12Rev Lunge w/ band Alt Front & Lateral Raise 10 sec recover8-10-12
Lateral Up and overpull down 10-12-148-10-121 min - ALL OUTWB Plank Shuffle
10-12-14Skaters 12-14-16Sumo Squat w/ Rotating4-5-6 each way
bicep curl 8-10-12WB OH Alt Rev. lunge
Round 3 - 1 (cardio/AB combo)
Station One - Bosu Station Two - BandsStation Three -DBStation Four - RowStation Five - WB
Flat side up:Alt Standing side knee-insStanding Crunch & Punch - 3030 sec. Oblique rowWB Burpees - 30 sec
4 mt climbers & 1 Push-up30/30Seated Crunch & Punch30 sec ALL OUTWall Sit oblique Taps 
30 sec.30 sec30 sec
Plank walk ups - 30 sec.


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