Cortisol. Who knew?

Five parties in three days. Christmas is, indeed, upon us.

So I had a physical two weeks ago. Though my emotional state is in repair, I haven't been feeling like myself physically. Even though I'm averaging over 8 hours of sleep a night, I pretty much require a nap every day. That isn't like me. At all. My runs are becoming, increasingly, walks. I catch myself looking at the clock, a lot, in yoga, or spin, or whatever I'm doing. Simply put, I'm tired. And that just isn't like me. So, because I know myself pretty well, I figured something was wrong. Thyroid, or maybe adrenal fatigue. I went into the Dr and ran those two ideas by him. Why are Dr's so funny ~ when I mentioned Adrenal fatigue his eyebrows shot up and he said "Well, somebodys been doing some reading!". Like ~ if you dont feel well isn't it common TO DO some reading? Anyway.

I went the next day for fasting bloodwork. Everything was coming back normal. Suddenly I got an email that there was a message from my Dr in my online file. I went in and sure enough, my cortisol levels are sky high. Super. He sent me an endocrinologist that he wanted me to go see ASAP. Of course, she isn't taking new patients until "late Spring", so I'm going to the B team. Even there, I can't get in until Feb 2nd, so I will just sit around, wondering what is wrong with me, until then. Some good info on Adrenal Fatigue here. Is this just a delayed response to all of the stress that I was under this summer and fall? Have I literally worn out my poor little adrenal glands by keeping myself in a state of chronic stress with all of the moving uncertainty and the difficulty we went through with staging the house and "moving"? Have I overdone cardio? I mean, I barely did much over the summer as I don't feel right dragging the kids to the gym over their summer vacation, and then pretty much went back to my normal routine once fall hit. After reading some message boards about high cortisol I bought some Rhodiola and Holy Basil and have started taking it. However, after being up late with parties thursday, friday and saturday all I can think is "I'M STRESSING MY ADRENAL GLANDS DAMMIT". And you know what? For this next week there simply isn't much that I can do about it. I taught twice yesterday, I teach today and Wednesday and again next weekend, and a special power class on NY's Day. I think, however, I may declare a moratorium on all working out for January. I recently went to our local SPCA to sign up to be a volunteer dog walker. We are thinking about *maybe* *Maybe* getting a dog after our move, and I thought that since I'm enjoying my newfound walking habit so much, I might as well take a shelter dog along. The shelter is only 1/2 mile from my home, and it would be nice to have some company on my long walks. So. For January I'm going to do another Whole30, focus on NOT working out other than the classes I teach and the walks I take, and see if with my continuing a daily meditation practice I can be in somewhat better shape come my Appointment on Feb 2. A vacation and some time on Florida beaches can't hurt either. One major stressor was the idea of listing the house and doing all of that garbage again. In taking the time that I would be at the gym and instead tackling one project a day around the house, it should be a no brainer to have the house ready to list in early February. We got great news on that front, we think that we are getting a 100% transfer to our new location, which takes of SO much pressure of every aspect of the move. I will know more in about 3 weeks, but assuming that that comes through for us, things are really looking up. Good news for my adrenal glands. Of course, if the issue is a tumor or something, all of this relaxing and meditating and whatnot won't do a thing. *I hope it's not a tumor*. Isn't adrenal fatigue something that sounds so white people problems? Like, only I could stress myself into an actual medical condition. Or depress myself into one. Its a little frustrating, I have to admit.

I'm kind of angry at myself. Of course, being angry at myself is useless, and self defeating, I did my best. It was a hard summer. I used the tools that I had to do my best, and yes, depression has a physical price. Is this it? Maybe. I guess I will know more after my appointment.


  1. I just did the fasting blood thing too. Have been the nap thing every afternoon that I could swing it. Mine came back Hypothyroidism. So now I'm just taking the meds and hoping that the levels even out. Driving home to the LV from KofP every day is hard. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO...take care of yourself. And keep in mind that if they thought something was really awfully wrong they would have gotten you in sooner than 2/2...which is by the way crazy. There has to be another doc you could go to? Relax and have a Merry Christmas!

  2. I had something very similar in October. I was pushing harder and harder and losing ground. I was sure I had low iron (again) or thyroid. All my labs came back mostly normal, but I'm not sure cortisol would have been listed anywhere. My doctor's next referral was for a heart ultrasound, but I passed on that. (I've actually had one within the last year or so because of family history and my distance running.) Anyway, it felt mostly like I was told things were normal, so just "take it easy a bit." I wonder if it could have actually been some adrenal fatigue after reading your link. Wishing you some fixable answers and a healthy, more low-key, January. xoxo

  3. Karly my dr wanted to send me for a sleep study had I not asked about my adrenals!!! I don't even snore! I passed on the sleep study too ( on his recommendation after my results) - but my friend Dee who commented above you called me wondering if her cortesal levels were off too after reading my post. I'm really curious to see what the follow up will be like like. I've read up about the standard testing but I'm so curious about how much healing I can do on my own vs of course having an actual issue like a tumor (which I really just don't think I have. Right. Don't have that. Refuse that) in a sick way of course the tumor would be easy/ wonky cells! Not my fault, rouge parts gone mad, versus something like chronic cardio or mad stress just jucing my poor "pick up a car" glands to the max.....but of course I know that it's likely the latter. I was literally in " flight" mode for a good 6 months - and fight or fight is the same old glands working. I may have juiced them out. I'll keep you posted. Are you feeling better and did resting work for you?!?!!


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