This guy! 5th grade is an interesting time. Not even a hint of baby left in him, yet his innocence and sweetness lingers. He's a wildly athletic, impulsive, bright boy who loves to read and knows everything about anything sports.
I know its trite, I do. So many say their kids are "best friends", right? I grew up in a very competitive family of origin. My dads parenting philosophy often seemed to be "make them compete for my love". It was unique. I am and will be eternally grateful to my high school friend Jen Otto. When she started her family, I remember her saying over and over to me how she kept repeating to her kids that they "were best friends". This idea stuck, and fostering a strong sibling relationship has become very important to me. Our circumstances are a little unusual as we had three kids so close together, but watching the way my kids love one another makes me know that this works. It not only works, but it is valuable. As these three head into the world they always, always have people by their side.
Girl hike through Mitchell Canyon yesterday afternoon on another balmy day.
This is the big week where I start teaching the group training sessions. I teach Wed and Friday. I'm nervous (I mean, I can't mess up the workout, its always, always the stress of working the clock (tons of short rounds and built in rotation time) and the music and the heart rate board etc that makes me nervous. Today I'm going to one, then coteaching one. I'm going to try to do that much of the week, so that I feel truly confident heading into my first class. Keep your fingers crossed.
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