This week and a reset.

Its been a busy week of getting back to some semblance of my routine.

Monday I did all cardio, stairs and a one mile run on a 5 incline, nice and slow (10 minute/mile slow).

Tuesday I did stairs and dance party ~ we had a sub this week who mixed it up a little bit which was fun for a change of pace.

Today I did a 6 am yoga class with Christine. It was wonderful. Went back so that the kids could go to gym games and I could log some cafe time with my girlfriends and then do pure barre. At naptime I took Luke to the driving range with me and hit a bucket of balls, which was a first for the two of us and really fun.

I'm starting the Whole30 challenge tomorrow.

I've been slipping into some bad habits lately ~ drinking diet iced tea and crystal light (I don't know what started this, I had kicked this a long time ago and it crept back in), which I think sets off all sorts of sugar cravings, etc etc. I decided to give this a try, as a limited, 30 day thing. No alcohol, no dairy, no grains, no sweeteners of any kind. I guess its paleo, which makes me cringe, as I have been very anti paleo, but anyway, while I would never consider this as a lifestyle, its something that I am interested in giving a go for only and exactly 30 days. I stocked up on some things that are not usual items in my diet but which I like such as sardines, more seeds and nuts (but alas, no peanuts, which will put a serious hurt in my peanut butter habit).......sweet potatoes, and a ton of vegetables. I roasted a bunch of sweet potatoes tonight and grilled a bunch of chicken breasts, got a lot of eggs and have spinach and greens and ghee out the we will see. Some fresh mint in my water may help give me some of the flavor I crave (I so suck at drinking water)......and we will see what happens.

I am really interested to see if I can pull this off or if I hate it and flame out quickly ~ either way I've asked Nate for his support and I will be keeping a log of what I eat and how I feel.


  1. Labels are kind of silly. But if avoiding food groups (especially gluten) bring you better health, it's worth exploring. I've looked at Whole30 before but never had the motivation to do something so extreme (compared with our normal eating). I bet you will feel great even if it's not something you stick with to the letter after 30 days. Sugar/carbs can definitely sneak up on you in terms of cravings and snowball...this sounds like a perfect detox. It's great that you have Nate's support. Good luck, friend!


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