A weird week. Hangry. Pressure. And a jacked up shoulder.

I'm officially a soccer Mom. Right now, even with just two kids in soccer, I'm spending 4 days a week on the soccer fields. Julia plays Wednesday nights, and Luke practices from 5-6 every friday and has games every Saturday and Sunday. Thats a lot of soccer. The upside to school is the free time to do things like organize, meet up with friends for a run or coffee, do yoga at the studio etc etc. The downside is that Nate has been traveling a ton and as a result I've been making a lot of easy dinners, especially being out two nights a week for practices. This means I haven't had the usual array of leftovers to choose from at lunchtime. This means that when I come in from the gym hungry and Jake needs to be fed, I find myself looking at crappy options. I haven't been eating that well this week and I'm feeling it. It affects my energy level and my mood in immediate and obvious ways. I need to start cooking more, even when Nate is away. The problem is that I go to carbs a lot for the kids (pastas, vegetable soups with pasta in them, dinners of pancakes and eggs, etc when he is out of town).....none of which are gluten free......vs our normal meat, vegetable, salad, and sweet potato or rice type dinner when Nate is home.

I also had too much on my schedule this week. Monday night I was out late for bookclub. Wednesday I had a member/guest at the club, which was so much fun, but required a ton of scheduling to get the kids to school early, three lunches packed, have them stay late, etc. It was a long day as I rushed home only to turn around a quick dinner and get us off to soccer. I played okay but somehow, on Tuesday morning, I woke up fine, but by the time I was checking in Jake to kids zone, my lower back was in some sort of weird spasm ~ so bad that I could hardly stand upright. I went immediately to the foam rollers but 30 minutes of that didn't seem to help. I gimped into yoga thinking that perhaps class could help work it loose (I never have back problems, this was unusual)....and the class got PACKED. The final straw was someone walking in late and setting up their mat literally one inch away from mine. I'm all for trying to accomidate everyone, but, just NO! At some point the onus is on the instructor to tell people ~ sorry, this class is full. It was a joke. I'm simply not willing to do yoga with my shoulders an inch from people on either side. I picked up my mat and walked out. I was so let down. I walked to the spa and booked myself a manicure and a 30 minute massage (always a good thing to do in lieu of working out. Sitting in the cafe and drinking a smoothie or coffee is also a good workout alternative when the universe is screwing you). The massage helped work out my back a little bit, and as the day went on it relaxed a little. I was worried about it affecting my golf game, and it did, but I was able to play through it.

However......through the course of my round my shoulder, which had been bothering me a little, turned into a full on searing pain. So, now my back is getting better, but my left shoulder is totally jacked up. I have no, NO idea what I could have done to it. No idea. I spent 30 minutes today trying to stretch and roll it out, and can't touch the actual pain. Its bizarre. I haven't lifted a weight in weeks. I have no idea. I'm out again tonight as my Dad and I have a date for dinner in Philly and Ode to Joy at the orchestra. Although I'm very much looking forward to the time with my Dad, three big events in one week are way too much for me. I'm worn out. Aaaaaaand, I'm beat up, and I don't know why. I wanted to go into this training weekend in peak shape ~ instead I'm going to stumble in there with a still tight lower back and a shoulder that feels like someone shot an arrow into it. Awesome.

Is this some cute little life lesson in humility or something? hahahah life, you are so awesome and funny! Fucker!


  1. Feel better M! And I despise when someone comes into yoga and sets up on top of me. Like WTF? I would have said something but you're nice and I'm not! LOL. I hope the shoulder and back start feeling better!


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