So I've dreamed it and I've wished it and todays the day I start the "Do it" part.

I'm a little nervous! Class starts at 9:30 and runs till 4:30, today and tomorrow. They take a couple of short breaks, but no actual lunch break, and no breaks long enough to leave the studio, so they encouraged packing several snacks to get us through the day. I packed sweet potato, a salad, and almonds and dates. They said we would be practicing approximately three hours of asana practice throughout the day, and to dress in layers.

I know that there are 12 of us enrolled in the class, which is the max. I know that we are all women. That is all I know. I can't wait to meet the other people who I will get to share this journey with! I'm about to go take my shower and probably try on three different outfits like a little kid on their first day of school. Knowing that we will be going in and out of practice means that I'm going to need layers. I'm also going to give my mats a good cleaning, which I should have done a while ago!!!

I took the kids to a yoga class yesterday (Julia and Jake), as it was yet another Jewish holiday (this September has been brutal for Jewish holidays. The studio manager, Sarah, who I had not yet met, led the class. Turns out she is also a Mom to young ones, her littlest is attending the playschool where Luke went to preschool when we lived in the Borough, and she is also an RMT and Doula! Funny to have such similar, if long ago for me, backgrounds. At one point Jake was being a bit of an asshole during class and she said something along the lines of "in Yoga we are learning to be flexible in ALL things, not just our body" with this tranquil little smile........

and I was like "oh SUPER SHIT" inside my head.

I'm laughing about it now, because if there is one thing that I'm NOT good at, at ALL, its being flexible. I'm the most scheduled, on plan, never late, hate it when things get out of order person I know. So.....yeah. If this is all about learning to be flexible I'm going into this as disabled as the armless person trying to learn a headstand.

Anyway. Here goes nothing! I'm off in an hour with my little lunchbox and my little nervous fluttery heart for a new adventure. Who knows where it will lead me but its going to be a lot of fun. I'm grateful for the support of my husband, who is happily watching our kids and enabling me to enjoy my weekend of learning how to be ALL things :)


  1. So excited for you! Can't wait to hear about the new adventure. And hear your tips for becoming more flexible. I need them! ;) Hope your should is feeling better. xoxo

  2. Aaaah I am so envious. I need flexibility and yoga and me-time and tranquility...


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