
I had a fantastic, wonderful workout today. Thanks to Harry Potter, which I am utterly obsessed with, I got in a full 90 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of abs. I've decided that me, my book, and the stair master and elliptical are simply going to become one in the coming weeks. Right now its all I can do (lower body, for another 2-3 weeks), and I am going to embrace it, and not worry about my leg, and heave myself out of my funk one workout at a time. I feel fantastic after a great sweat, I have been missing it terribly for these past 4 weeks!

I have an appointment with Dr. John Salvo, of the Rothman Institute, (who is in South Jersey, ugh) next Thursday. I've gotten copies of my MRI, and my Op Notes, and am ready to go. I have babysitting. I'm putting stressing about it on hold, and simply doing what I can do, which is move forward and gather as much information as I can.

I'm eating well, getting a ton of sleep, and trying to nurture myself in every way that I can. That is what I can do, so I will do it.


  1. So glad you got a good workout. Your plan sounds great! xoxo

  2. Sounds like a great workout and plan of action. Harry Potter is really good isn't it? I remember being skeptical when a coworker kept pushing them on me back in the day. They were not appealing to my 25ish self and the first book is slow. But I was so sad when they were over. I can't wait to read them to my kids in a few years. (The later books where beloved characters die are too much for Lucas at this point.) Enjoy!

  3. Karly that is why I resisted them for so long.....and just recently I decided to read them myself as I figured that I would want to read the series to the kids myself at some point in the future. I was obsessed, quickly. I'm now on book 7 and trying to portion it out ~ Like, I can ONLY read it when the kids or are in bed OR I'm on the stair climber :)


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