Purging. And kicking ass.

I was up late Friday night committing cardinal sins by cheating on my husband. Not like, the bad way, but cheating by getting ahead of him on breaking bad. Again, obsessive personality.

Woke up Saturday and was dressing to go to the gym. Jake said "I don't WANT to go to the gym Mom".......and it was like this light bulb went off. It was Saturday, I had had a good workout yesterday if having missed much of the week due to golf......but it was SATURDAY. Nate was away. I could do ANYTHING. For some reason Ikea popped to mind. We have recently finished our basement, and while the playroom is spacious and will be wonderful, it isn't yet really set up.

I have a mad need for toy storage bins. We need either kids couches or (more preferably) over sized beanbag chairs. We need chairs for the lonesome table. I have about 20 photos and kids artwork that need frames. There is no better place than Ikea for this sort of stuff. I wasn't worried about the kids as I'm used to taking them everywhere, I was worried about my manic need to then put together whatever I got. I got myself in check and decided that this was a job for another day, a day in which I had a list, and a day in which I could not have three kids in the car as with the new smaller ride I just don't have the space I did in the big boy.

    .....I told the kids we were having a cleaning party. now. I've totally brainwashed my kids into thinking cleaning is a party. I asked them if they wanted to stop bottom up or top down, and they chose top down. So up we went. They all "get" to vacuum their own room, and on days like yesterday, they all get a big bag, and the goal is to fill it with things that they don't play with anymore, are broken, are missing key parts, etc.They worked on that while I started on my closet. Goal being switching out my summer and winter wardrobe. Three hours later I emerged. Jules stuck with me, The boys, after doing their rooms (they all pull their sheets and wash them too) cleaned the basement while she helped me in my closet. Half because she loves being important and useful, and half because she loves getting my castaways. Purses, weird rings, things I find in the bottom of old bags, etc....all become major treasures to her. 

We had lunch, then Julia and Jake napped while Luke and I cleaned the main floor. SO MUCH stuff went in the trash. Things were mopped, windows were cleaned, and by the time the littles woke up we were basement bound. As they had already cleaned the playroom it was all about vacuuming and washing the floors and bathroom. Lemme tell you, cleaning is a workout. 

Anyway. At that point we picked our movie. There was only one option, so that made it easy. Their reward was getting $1 each, and getting to go to wawa and pick out candy for the movie. They got pretzel bites at the movie, and we all enjoyed a great flick. 

Today I felt like ~ eh? Sunday workout? But after yesterday I wanted to go. I did 45 minutes of stairs then Body Combat. Body Combat is So.Much.Fun. You feel like a bad ass. This was Mary Frans class, which means that she purposely faces us away from the mirrors ~ she thinks that when women look in mirrors they criticize themselves. She is an amazing teacher, pushing and correcting and making you laugh and almost making you cry. She rocks. 

A quick trip to the grocery store  with the kids and then Nate was home when we got home! He and the kids unpacked and put away all of the food as I grabbed a quick shower and we were off to the WC Chili Cook off. As always, it delighted. So much fun, and PACKED!!!

Simple soup for dinner. Its been a long weekend. 

Yoga studio tomorrow for a beginners class. I'm going to be either cramming or in denial all week about next weekends training. 



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