Running: A family event.

4 generation of women, a grandmother, Mom, new Mom to be, and granddaughter all turn out for a "Run like a Mother" event on Mothers day.
Our collective national obsession with regaining ones pre pregnancy figure is hard to ignore. The media touts Victorias Secret models who have a child and are on the catwalk in three weeks as being normal. It isn't. A quick google search for "lose baby weight" yielded 265,000,000 hits. Wow. Clearly our culture is a little obsessed with talking about losing baby weight (or just weight in general). Yet, a vast majority of mothers are still carrying extra pounds of "baby weight" when their babies are toddlers and preschoolers.....and these days, that means that a large percentage of Moms are carrying extra weight into second or third pregnancies. It is easy to see how such a thing snowballs on people, making a 30 lb weight gain after three children an easy phenomenon to understand ~ simply 10 lbs up after each pregnancy and suddenly an average person is overweight.
There are so many degrading ways that women talk about their bodies after birth. They hate their stretchmarks, they loathe their stomach, they mourn the changes that have happened to their bodies even while being grateful for the beautiful baby their bodies made. They accept that Mom jeans and muffin tops are the new normal. It doesn't have to be that way. You can love your body again. It's up to you.
If you want to be a fit Mom, there are several advantages.
* You will feel incredibly proud of yourself. Seeing your body grow a baby, then grow back to health, is a really miraculous experience. Our bodies are wondrous and capable of so much, if you just give it a chance.
* You will inspire your partner to want to stay fit with you. They will be proud of you, and sense the new self confidence that you have because people who feel good, look good.
*Your children will have a role model of health to look up to, and will grow up knowing that their Mom is strong, and dedicated to being healthy and fit. Active families have a lot of opportunities to share cool adventures ~ family hikes, a round of golf together, doubles tennis, participating in races as a family.....the list is endless. In our busy, overly screen timed world, the simple act of enjoying a sport together is a gift that we can enjoy with our children and partners.
*You will not only increase your lifespan and reduce your risk of hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc....but you will also increase your quality of life.
Having kids does not mean that working out is impossible. In fact, it is easy to incorporate them into your own health or fitness routine. A running stroller is a huge help. I can't rave enough about the Bob Revolution. Just this year I switched from the duallie (double) to the single. It is the only stroller I use, whether out for a run with the baby, hiking on trails, spending a day on the beach, or in a mall, the stroller is fabulous. The kids and I have logged some serious miles together in that thing. A sling is another way to exercise which involves baby. My favorites are a Mei Tai or an Ergo. We love to hike as a family, and wearing the baby is a great way to increase your workout, while involving your little one in an outdoor activity and immersing them in nature. If you aren't or weren't a runner, consider starting! There is no cheaper fitness activity out there ~ you can step out your front door and start running. There is no fancy gear, no intimidation factor like gyms present to some people, and you can see progress almost immediately. You will go farther, faster, by week, every single week you do it, as a newbie. I can't think of another physical endeavor which promises such an upfront and instantaneous rate of return. Invest in a good pair of running shoes (go to your local running store to get fit for a good pair), and get moving. Alternate walking and running, and focus on increasing the duration and intensity of your run as you go. Be warned: you may just fall in love with it.
Lastly, a gym is a great option for many families. Yes the monthly cost can be a consideration. HOWEVER, if you use your gym, and choose a good one, it will pay for itself many times over in the lifelong rewards you get out of your investment. We are lucky enough to live near the suburban utopia that is our gym. Beyond the classes, the weights, the tennis etc....what got us there are their kids programs. Today when I work out my kids are going to Soccer, Art Explorers, and Game Room. On Mondays it is cooking. Tuesdays basketball. These are all free activities to family members. There is an entire gymnasium filled with moon bounces for kids, and a gigantic two story climbing/tube/cargo net adventure area. They host parents nights out, where the kids come in PJ's for a pizza party and movie, and parents get a few (free!) hours out together. There are four pools, and all sorts of for pay academies or activities such as dance, gymnastics, basketball, T-Ball etc etc. It is a mecca for families. My kids love to go, so I never, ever feel even remotely guilty taking the time to work out. They are playing with their friends and being active themselves. Finding a good gym has changed my life ~ rather than feeling as though I am being "selfish" when I want to work out, they are begging me to go to play with their friends. This makes working out a hundred times easier. Obviously not every area is going to have an option like this.....but, find out what is out there. Consider making the commitment to get up early and work out before your kids get up if you can't find a gym with good childcare. Pay a little extra for some small group training if you need extra incentive, direction, or encouragement. Better yet, find a friend and commit to getting fit together. So many of my good friends go to my gym, and knowing that we are meeting there for a class or a run is the impetus I need on many of these cold dark days where it would be easier to hunker down with some hot chocolate.
Not everyone should want to or be able to compete in races, or work out 5 days a week. Not everyone wants to take their fitness to that level, nor do they need to. Everyone, however, should want to be happy with their own body, whatever shape it may be. The worst thing that we can do to ourselves is to compare ourselves to anyone else. I don't want to be a version of anyone, just the best version of myself that I can be. I don't know of any better way than exercise to get one to a place of joy in their own skin, and (especially as a Mom) to keep their mind clear and to increase both their stamina and their patience. Grab a running stroller (there are much cheaper options out there, though if you want to be serious about it, consider spending more to get a good one, it will make running much easier for you and they are incredibly durable). Grab some sneakers. Enlist a friend. Find a gym. If finances are an issue, consider babysitting swaps with other Moms ~ let two watch everyones kids while two of you run together, then swap. Its a morning of conversation with friends, exercise, and a great playdate for the kids! If time is an issue, educate yourself on Tabata workouts and do them at home! Whatever your situation, I believe that there is a solution. I believe that if you have time to watch TV, you have time to exercise. If you want to get fit, don't let our cultures story about Moms being run down, muffin top bad jean wearing misfits bring you down. Box up those maternity clothes and get moving. You can do it, if you want to.
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