Friday morning Becca and I had a coffee and shopping date planned. That changed when she called me sounding sick and miserable. I went over to take Tessa off of her hands for a few hours so that she could get a bit of rest. Yesterday she told me that Rich then had it, and this morning at 3 am guess who was getting it? Moi. I'm so annoyed. Today was to be a 3-5'er and my Kettlebell class. Instead I'm laying in bed looking and feeling a bit like this charming frog.
I think that running is a little bit addicting. I am one of those type A+ too much energy, tend to be anxious or unhappy when not in motion chicks from the NE. It means that I rarely lack motivation, but that I can and do very easily take on too much or get stressed about things that simply aren't worth it. I make a plan, and I stick to it, and when I can't for some reason, I feel distinctly frustrated and uncomfortable. Running seems like the perfect fix for someone like me ~ the quiet, the exertion, the beautiful monotony of running soothes both my mind and my body like nothing else does. The mental benefits are at least equal to the physical benefits, to me. Love this quote and I find it incredibly true for me:
Everyone who has run knows that it’s most important value is in removing tension and allowing a release from whatever other cares the day may bring.
- Jimmy Carter
The good news is that it passed in a day for both Becca and Rich, so I'm hoping that it runs the same course for me. We are going on vacation this week ~ the next four days leading up to it are going to be downright nutty ~ so more than ever do I need to focus on getting better and getting my runs in. I'm planning a long run Monday (assuming I feel better), I'm going to try to do the hill workout with the running club on Tuesday, and a long run on Thursday. We will be vacationing with 3 other couples, all girls I run with, so by the weekend I will be running along the beach in the sunshine. My soul is longing for some warmth and sunshine! Todays mission? Hydrate, get better, and watch football. Nate is going to go study at the gym all morning, so I have the entire morning to myself kid free to rest.
Hope you're feeling better quick so you can get back to running! I can so relate to that frustration thing you're talking about when you make a plan and can't stick to it for whatever reason. And the "always wanting to be in motion" thing, that's me, too! Except when it comes to housework, haha.