A surprise

My date got ruined!

I got a text from my boyfriend (okay, from Nate) at about 3 telling me that he was crashing my date and meeting me at the movie theatre! He snuck away from school and met me at KoP for a wonderful movie. I felt like a kid!

I had an awesome workout yesterday ~ CX works followed by Lean Conditioning. My abs and arms were DYING by the end of class. She ended up making the class the full hour, however, not the 45 minutes that it stated on the schedule, so it ended up being 90 minutes of strength training instead of 75. I took today entirely off, not even going to the gym. The fact that Jake woke up with some sort of explosive stomach issue sealed the deal on that one. We had a super lazy morning, I let the kids play and watch some TV as I had to meet with the (third and final) AV person......and now we are waiting for Nate to get home and the family portion of our weekend to begin! I am SORE today!

We are going out to dinner tonight with the kids, and off to a big family brunch tomorrow to celebrate all of the January birthdays.


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