Off days and surrounded.

So I was all dressed and ready to go to the gym on Saturday. All three kids were showered and fed and cleaned up and ready. Nate was at school And the AV quote dude got here at 9. He left at 10:45.)*#&

No gym. It was good, really. I had worked out M-F and my body was ready for the break. We were SUPER lazy after he left. Nate got home at 4, we took the kids out to Iron Hill for dinner, and he and I had had a great night together.

Sunday I got to sleep in and we went to brunch with my extended family to celebrate all of the family January birthdays. It was great. I will reiterate that the only time I really miss bread is with my omelet. Just isn't the same. The weekend was much of the same eating wise ~ Saturday night I got a grilled chicken breast with a black bean and corn salsa and salad, Sunday I had an egg white omelet with shrimp and mushrooms and cheddar and then we again ordered Thai food ~ I think that with Nate away so much last week and this week my desire to cook is just at an all time low.

After two days off I stuck to my plan and went to Yoga on Monday morning.Adrianas 75 minute class, and it was beautiful!  Last night we had Reagan and the kids over, I made us some crab cakes and salads and pizza for the kids.

Today was dance parTAY. Jenny and Jeannie were here tonight ~  and I ate alllllll day today. The only annoying thing about having to be on the pill continuously is that you never get the "relief" of ones cycle. What I mean is that I gonna eat a bitch every 3 weeks!

I ate 6 rice crispie treats today. Before noon. I ate, all day long. PMS is a real hellovabitch when you get that crap every three weeks . Whatever, however. It just is what it is.  Better than bleeding to death, I suppose.

I feel surrounded by sick people. From the gym to school to preschool to the news it seems that the whole world has some version of the sick bug. I feel like I start every day by cracking one eyelid and assessing my physical state: Am I sick yet? Thusfar we have all been lucky, but I have the feeling that it has to be only a matter of time?


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