The Vacation that wasn't. And a long yoga break.
Man. I feel like life stopped for a week. It was a full WEEK of no yoga for me, barring an adjustment workshop that I went to for a few hours on Saturday. The snowstorm, the cancelled vacation, having no plans, no food, no anything (because we were supposed to be lounging in sunny Florida, not here in frigid temps) made some of us
We tried to get creative. Some ice skating. A night out to dinner and indoor golf which at least got us swinging our own clubs. A day at the Strasburg Railroad. Some time with friends. Lots of time with neighbors. Some time with family. Some home improvement projects. Lots of shoveling and snowblowing. The lack of yoga was mentally and physically challenging. I usually have a decent solo practice…but it depends on a bit of space and a bit of quiet. With us all being IN THE HOUSE, even with a house with lots of space….there just didn't seem to be space for my practice. I suppose I could have gotten up early, or practiced after bedtime….but it just wasn't happening. In some ways the break was nice, in some it was scary (I feel out of teaching mode a bit and I feel out of whack in general).
In an act of cosmic cruelty, it snowed again overnight, which meant a 2 hour delay again this morning. There was gnashing of teeth and renting of clothing across the greater Philadelphia area as we all just need some ROUTINE back in our lives. My normal (favorite) 9:30 class was cancelled, but I did finally get the kids off to school and to an 11:00 vinyasa flow class. I feel like with "nocation" past us, I felt suddenly and powerfully overwhelmed today in yoga. I registered with WGap yesterday ~ this is the first season in my life where I will be competing in golf, as well as playing weekly on the CVG team. That is going to be a huge time commitment. I'm going to be teaching, even if its a few hours a week its a commitment. March is FILLED with yoga commitments as we wrap up the program. I felt like all of this hit me all at once as I stood on my mat today. I have a few papers to write for school. I have to plan my practicum, do my pre practicum, plan the gentle yoga class that (I think?) I'm hired to teach at the Y. Drug testing, fingerprinting. I have the mad organization itch that hits me every spring. I was tearing into things this morning randomly throwing away things and organizing weird things like my jewelry organizer. All signs of me feeling out of control.
Deep breaths. I could be doing things instead of sitting on my new favorite chair…..but I'm sitting on my new favorite chair because I feel like writing it down will at least let me recognize that yes, this is what I am feeling. No, it isn't actually terrible. It is all good stuff. Broken apart is all going to be manageable. Routine WILL be reestablished. Order WILL resume. I trust it.
I hate lack of routine and order. I am struggling to accept this continual disruption of snow and missing school and missing yoga and missing….things. Things are being missed and it is forcing me to adapt. Not a strong suit of mine. Today my goal is acceptance with grace…and patience. Dear sweet everything that is good do I need some patience.
To anyone else who is feeling beaten down by winter: I wish you patience, as well.
Sounds like you guys were able to salvage the vacation a bit? Hopefully you can do a real getaway soon. This winter has just been brutal after the past few years of mild weather. I keep telling myself it's so much better to be dealing with this snow/bitter cold now that the kids are a bit older. In previous years? We likely would not have all survived alive. Here's to spring, new routines and challenges, and some sanity/patience. And maybe a nap. ;)