
I have no idea why I am using this photo, other than to say that is was a year ago, the day after the superbowl, that our family almost changed forever.

It was a very long weekend ~ we celebrated Nate's 39th birthday on Friday.......which started with a round of (indoor) golf. We played the Scottsdale TPC course as that was this weekends tourney and we had attended it 4 years ago on a vacation ~ I was pregnant with Jake. Follow that up with lunch at Iron Hill,  happy hour at a friends and dinner at Nectar and it was a great, if long, day.

Saturday we were off to the Art Museum and then to lunch at Jack's Firehouse.....the last time I was there was immediately after either the broad street run or the Philly Half marathon,.....I can't remember.

I slept the entire way home so that I could power up for a grocery trip~ so didn't want to do it ~ and Saturday night we went to a dinner party courtesy of one of my closest friends.

Sunday dawned and it was all about attending a practice class of one of my friends at the studio.....then hosting a superbowl party. GAH! It was long. Today we have awoken to a raging school.......all plans cancelled.

The news though?

Thursday I'm trying to get my first yoga teacher job. I have to "teach" a 30 minute class..........I'm trying to get a sunday morning 75 minute flow class and a wednesday night 60 minute flow class.


Please send all yogi-ish or lucky-ish vibes my way, eh?


  1. you've got this honey! one of the best bits of advice I ever got was if you're not sure whether to say something when teaching, just pause and take one breath and see if you think it needs to be said after that. and it reminds you to breathe which, as we know, is a good thing :)

  2. Awesome! I am so excited that you have this opportunity. I know you will be amazing. Brave and kind. You're set. xoxo

    Belated happy birthday to Nate!


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