Phillies Phun

 The kids, minus a hiding Franca in the seats.
 Sunrise yesterday ~ this could have been amazing as the sun was this huge round orb creeping up over the trees...but, iPhone.
A beautiful night at the game. After seeing how AWFUL the Phillies are it made me glad that I don't watch baseball anymore! We left just before the downpour started after having a fun dinner at the Denver Central Market with friends. My goal is to get to know downtown Denver better in the coming year ~ last year was all about figuring out the suburbs!  :)

It was a great day! I'm still struggling with sleeping after removing the medication that I was on about 12 days ago. I'm trying to be patient and just push through it but I'm probably going to call my Dr tomorrow morning to see if this is all okay. It's 4:30 and I'm sitting in the kitchen, wide awake. I can fall asleep easily, but without the medication, I wake up a couple of times and have been starting my day between 4 and 5. I don't let myself stress about it ~ I can take a nap this afternoon if I need to. I'd rather be without sleep than on medication, at this point.

I did my first real class on the Peloton yesterday! It was a 45 minute "pop" ride. Some thoughts. I'm bad at following directions ~ like, REALLY bad, so I just kind of jumped on and went for it. The good news is that the layout is all so easy that one can actually do this with the bike. Its all touch screen and I found it very intuitive. The only thing I'm not good at is clipping out ~ no joke, my shoes are still clipped in. I guess I'll just slide my feet right in this AM :) I guess I need to watch that instructional video. The ride was awesome ~ I did it very early, like 5:30 AM. The clarity of the screen is fantastic, you really feel a kind of connection with the teacher, its like she is looking right at you. I also liked that she gave me actual numbers when it came to tension ~ I used to hate being in a spin class when they would constantly be telling you "up" or "down" but not giving you more clear guides about where exactly to be. The one thing that I didn't love was a screen that comes up showing you your "place" (based upon effort/output) amongst everyone who has done the class, along with their user name ~ I found this distraction. Frankly I don't care what Edna in Minnesota is doing, and I'm not looking to befriend strangers. The nice thing is that with a simple touch of my right pointer finger, it disappeared. The bike is right in front of a nice big double window, so it was amazing to open the window and have the cool morning air hit me ~ I saw deer wandering through the yard as I rode. I wasn't sure if I would be able to "push" myself being all alone in a room, and that was a silly fear. The instructor made it easy to work hard.

The only (tiny) complaint that I would have is that they didn't say anything about having my weights on hand for the ride ~ so when the arm portion came up I had to try to unclip (laughable), miss pedaling, and by the time I had the weights and was back on the bike the lifting portion was almost finished. Lesson learned ~ I will keep them on the attached weight rack on the back of the bike from now on.

I went to a 90 minute Yin yoga workshop at Corepower at 8. It was so relaxing, the humidity felt great, and it really stretched out my legs, which was nice as I haven't been to a spin class since moving to Colorado! We went on a family hike up to Wildcat Overlook with the dog, then took a lovely mid afternoon nap. The game was a rout, but it was a beautiful night to be outside and to take in a game.

Today we have a tee time at 7:30, then plan to come home for another nap. Naps are good! A nap may at least give me a shot of staying up for GoT. The really pathetic part is that being in Mountain Time it isn't even on late! We are playing in the parent/child tournament this afternoon at 4:30, then staying for awards/dinner. The format is such that we couldn't play one parent and two kids at a time, so we had to leave out one child. That wasn't hard, we just went with our two favorite kids.

Kidding! We let the oldest do it this year. Jules and I already technically "won" the 8-10 girls division....but only because we are literally the only girl team in that division. Since its no fun to win by default, we decided to not accept the trophy and just compete against the other age groups, which are 11-13 and it should be interesting :)

Last night as I was taking Auggie out I saw that my neighbor had out newly purchased MUMS! Fall is really on its way.


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