Day 3 Whole 30

We awoke to a rainy and grey Saturday. Nate took off early to play basketball. I made a delicious egg white omelette (though it is chicken sausage I find it to be really fatty) with fresh and roasted tomatoes, scallions, spinach and hot peppers.

After getting the kids fed and dressed and all of the mountains of clean folded laundry put away, I realized it was early and I had all this time to kill before my 10:30 dance party class. I didn't feel like sitting around doing nothing, so I decided to change up my plan. I left early with the kids, and did a little cardio (stairs) before and after the (more slow paced than the weekday) dance class. This got us home earlier, so I could feed everyone lunch and jump in the shower before taking off with Jeannie. I quickly heated up a grilled chicken breast (from the other day, leftovers are key to making this work, I'm finding, at least, with a busy life they are) with salsa and then ate about 5 figs covered in sunflower butter. It was satisfying, if eaten on the run which I don't like, generally.

When I got home we threw the kids bikes in the car and went for a long walk/bike ride around EG park. We were in the mood for Thai so hit Jazmines for dinner. Thai is a pretty easy place to order Whole30 Compliant meals as coconut milk is an okay food. I got a green chicken curry with shrimp and a load of vegetables and skipped the rice.

Didn't miss my normal saturday night wine as much as I thought I would....though I was in bed much earlier than normal :)

Jeannie and I did hit up the Artisans Market on our adventures. I got a lot of fresh local peaches, corn, cantaloupe, and treated the fam to some amish stickey buns for their sunday morning breakfast as I knew that I was going to be out food shopping. They had them with greek yogurt and proclaimed them delicious.

Here is what I know so far. My energy is great for workouts. I feel strong and not depleted in any way. I also know that I am having to think about my meals WAYYYYY more than normal. I'm structuring our meals in such a way that the kids don't even notice that I'm eating differently (its important to me that they don't  think EVER that I am "dieting" (which of course this isn't, but who knows how young minds interpret things). They don't notice if I serve myself salad before I put blue cheese on it, they are already used to be not eating bread, so really nothing has changed from their perspective, other than that instead of eating my tradidional summer breakfast of greek yogurt with ground flax, chia seeds, fruit and almonds, I'm now eating cooked, heavy breakfasts. I have a TON of food in my fridge, it can look overwhelming. This is mostly due to bulk, 2 gigantic bunches of kale cook down to nothing, ditto spinach, but before they are cooked they sure do take up a lot of room! I also find it expensive ~ buying only organic and local meat means that I'm having to hit at least one, sometimes two farmers markets a week to allow for the uptick in our (my) meat intake. That adds up. Living this way permanently would not be cheap.

What I like so far.

Its increased my egg intake, and I don't naturally eat many eggs, and eggs are a cheap and healthy source of fats and proteins. I will try to continue to include more eggs in my diet when I am done this.

It has GREATLY increased my water intake. I mean, if thats all you can drink, you drink it a lot. And I actually find myself WANTING it for the first time in years. That feels so good. I have been drinking so much I have actually been having to get up at night to use the bathroom. That is unheard of, for me.

It has made me eat more greens. I love greens, I just don't make them a daily part of my diet, and I should, as its easy.

I've been eating a lot more seeds. Pumpkin, sunflower, etc......nice variety and something that I didn't do before. I was a dedicated just peanut and almond girl, and its nice to branch out.


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