Whole30 Day 6

Breakfast. While I'd like to whip up some veggie feast every breakfast, in theory, in truth it sortov turns my stomach to think about eating that way before yoga. So I'm going with what feels good. Today that was bananas and strawberries with raisins and almonds and hemp seeds. It was delicious and just right before an AWESOME 75 minute flow class. 

 Lunch. This was far and away my favorite lunch yet. Arugula with olive oil and lemon balsamic, carrots, roasted red bell pepper, half of a baked sweet potato, red onion, lump crab meat and smoked salmon. It was delicious and filling. 
 I roasted up two sheets of kale chips. I want to love kale chips, but I don't . I hate the aftertaste, but they do in a pinch and I hate wasting kale, so we ate them. 
I got in a quick (slow) 4+ without the stroller while Jake napped. It was nice to run without the stroller! It was cool out and misting slightly and it felt good to stretch my legs and have some quiet to think in.

After my run I grabbed a quick shower and got my golf clothes on and headed off to a dentist appointment. I hurried home as Nate and I were checking out WC Country Club. Before we left I found myself starving so made a bowl of strawberries with hemp and took a bag of watermelon and almonds for the car ride over. I'm like a little old lady with my baggies of snacks I suddenly need to bring everywhere. So weird. After our tour we walked nine, which proved to be way more of a workout than I was planning as it was super hilly ~ had I known we would be doing that I probably would not have run. Regardless, it was so nice being out there as the rain had cleared out and it was a beautiful if slightly chilly evening with Nate. I'm still finding myself awestruck at having nights like this to slink away as a twosome after the rigors of school......it still feels like a delicious treat to just be together without school always looming over our head. He flies out early tomorrow, but we capped off our golf with dinner at Teca, one of our favorite spots. We sat at the bar, and I swear I HEARD a cold glass of Pinot Gris calling my name, but I dutifully ordered myself a club soda with lime and it tasted delicious. I feel committed to this thing, strangely, as I'm not good at committing to things, generally. Anyway. We shared some grilled langostinos as as appetizer, and I got the grilled calamari salad and added chicken to it. It was filling and good, if too heavily dressed with balsamic and olive oil. We got home in time to kiss Jake and tuck him into bed, and tonight was the first night where I found myself NOT craving dessert. Perhaps I'm starting to kick this sugar craving? I hope.

Tomorrow I have pure barre on tap, and a great day of lunch with two of my favorite friends and some of Jake's best buddies, and an afternoon at the please touch museum with them. It is so nice to have these days to focus on just Jake, playing baseball with just him, coloring or cooking with just him around. He is so much fun at this age, and I can tell he is enjoying being the sole focus of our attention.

I'm 1/5th of the way through this, and I'm very pleased, generally. It feels good to be so aware of what I am eating, why, when, and how it makes me feel. It certainly is not something I would do on an everyday basis ~ I couldn't eat this way and have a happy social life ~ but for 30 days? Yes, for 30 days I can do it. I've come to appreciate both protein and fruit more, to appreciate the sweetness of fruit and the pure energy of protein in a new way. I feel as though I am eating both efficiently, and very much to taste ~ in other words ~ thinking about WHAT I want and why, not just eating out of hunger at all times. I don't know if that makes any sense......I'm enjoying my food in a different way, I suppose. I miss greek yogurt, and I miss peanut butter.......but I enjoy the variety that removing those daily staples from my diet has forced me to create.

My run felt good. So good that I had to make some rules today. No runs further than 5 miles, ever. No races, ever. And no more than 3 runs/week. Those are my rules. I'm going to stick to them. I don't see how I can get into too much trouble that way. I won't be adding my mileage to the old mileage widget ~ I don't want to get caught up in miles/week or minutes/mile again. It just isn't my concern anymore. I'm so happy to simply be ABLE to run, even a little bit, that I will never, ever put it at risk. Knowing myself, that means that I have to have rules. I am just built with that personality that innately wants to go a little farther, a little faster, every.single.time......and I will break myself again if I let myself go there. So, I won't. Just like what I put into my body is a choice, what I do with or to my body is a choice! So, I'm willfully, stubbornly, forcing myself into moderation, even if it isn't what comes naturally to me. I want to be happily running my 3 or 4 or 5 miles 3 times a week well into my 80's, thankyouverymuch.


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