Whole30 day 5

 Breakfast. Fresh mango with almonds raisins and chia seeds. This was so surprisingly good that I had to have two bowls. I had my inlaws here and the kids and it was all a little hectic as they were trying to get out with the kids and Nate was getting home from Bball and I was trying to get out to yoga and frankly I didn't feel like standing there over a vat of spinach ~ so this was born. It was delicious. I had two big bowls. 
 Lunch. Leftover squash and tomatoes met leftover chicken sausage and chard for a match made in heaven. 
 The new drink you will find in my hand constantly while at home. A great way to use up both the extra mint from my garden, and the tons of extra lemons we STILL have from the margarita pouring decanter decorations from Nates party! I haven't been able to drink this much water in 5 days since I don't know when, that alone is a huge improvement in my diet. 
 My first case of "but I wan't HIS dinner" happened last night. I took boneless pork chops that had been pounded to oblivion and coated them in a seasoned egg wash, dipped in panko, and pan fried, and laid them still hot atop arugula, garden tomatoes, bell peppers, roasted peppers, rosemary roasted red potatoes, and shaved locatelli, all tossed in a balsamic vinaigrette.
Mine. No panko, no potatoes, and no locatelli. Still good, but I missed those things. I paired this with one baked sweet potato.

Great yoga class yesterday. I went to the 75 minute vinyasa flow class and it was perfect. I'm planning to go again today. I'm feeling my flexibility return and my mat again be a place of comfort and safety. My tight hips are just going to be something I live with, for now, anyway. I am proud of the new patience I have with yoga, coming back from a devastating injury does have a tendency to teach one patience.

While Jake napped I went on a cleaning binge, mopping and organizing downstairs, and when he awoke we packed it up for the park. I met Tiffany there for an EASY slow jog, literally averaging a 10:20 pace for 4 miles while I pushed the big guy in his stroller. It was hilly, so going slowly felt great and I was pleased with my breathing and lack of pain in my hip. Slow is key for me. We ended at the playground and he played for about an hour, and we headed home for dinner. After dinner we took a family walk around the neighborhood, he jumped into the shower with me, and his day was done. I have to say am really enjoying parenting just one child this week. I feel guilty about how calm our house is and how quiet and easy everything feels ~ I guess there is just no way around that?

Day 5 of Whole30 was easy. I admit to very much wanting a glass of wine while I cooked dinner! It was beautiful and breezy and the kids were gone and I was relaxed....but in looking back I'm SO glad I didn't give in, that walk kicked the craving, and I was in bed early catching up on The Newsroom with Nate. Much better than wine :)


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