
     A low energy day for all of us, today. I went to Sue's 9:30 level one class this morning, and was going to go to a 1:00 chair yoga class at ACAC, but by the time Jake and I had lunch together I knew that all I really wanted to do was to take a nap with my sweet boy! So nap won. This afternoon the whole family spent 2 hours reading by the fire, we had a simple dinner, and chilled out in my bed for one show after our showers. I'm grateful for choosing hibernation this month. The pace is soothing. I've seen family, read, and practiced more yoga than ever before in my life. We got the rest of the Christmas decorations down yesterday, and the house is finally feeling back to normal.

     There is some possible change in the air, or talk of change, anyway. We are so blessed to live in a fabulous area of the country, but better even than where we live is the fact that we live within 10 miles of my sister and her family, my brother and his family, and my parents. We live 90 minutes from Nates parents and one brother, and 30 minutes from his other 2 brothers and their families. I never, ever take this for granted. To see my kids loving and growing up with their cousins is something that is priceless to me. I don't know how I could give that up. But ~ on some level,  I know that at some point I (we) may have to give that up, even if just for a time, a few years, whatever.

Anyway. That is a worry for another day, but I think that for some reason it was laying heavy on me today ~ literally making me feel dragged down and exhausted. I don't like living in the what if's, in the worry, in letting tomorrows worries steal todays joy. I wasn't even 100% focused on my mat today, something that hasn't happened in a long time.  Do you ever let worry about future events influence your present moment?


  1. Worrying about the future and things I don't have control over or can't plan for is one of my big struggles. It does rob me of the joy to be had in the present, but it took me some time to figure that out! Pulling back, slowing down and taking time with family sounds like the perfect way to regain some grounding in today. I'm taking notes. :)

  2. I am a worrier, too. When it gets really bad, I also just try to live in the moment and be a little spontaneous. I am such a planner that just doing that will shake me out of my worry routine. :)

    Love the picture of the family! :D

  3. Absolutley. More than I should.


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