Snuck in a new title.....

The whole "Mama can do 26.2" thing just wasn't resonating with me anymore, probably for obvious reasons.

See, I can't do 26.2. I mean, I probably could in time, I could probably get a good coach and ever so slowly work my way back there.....but for now anyway, I've stopped even the little bit of running I was doing. I just saw how I was slipping back into old habits.....always just wanting to go that little bit further or that little bit faster.....and truthfully I simply don't need it in my life right now.

Having suffered through a catastrophic injury only 18 months ago I have no desire to even open myself up to another one. There is no reason. I have a myriad of exercise options at my fingertips ~ swimming, yoga, dancing, barre, pilates, tennis, golf, skiing....its all there for me. I just don't want to risk the pounding of running anymore. So, I thought that given my newest endeavor into the world of teaching yoga, it was time to change the header.

No stewing! No regret! Just going along. The other part of my teacher training has been working my way through the Yamas. The decision to stop running actually came from working through the first Yama, Ahimsa. I realized that it was quite possible that I was doing, or certainly risking, harm to myself. Anyway. This part of my training is much harder to blog about as it tends to be intensely personal, but it certainly has the power to be transformative. I'm realizing that in this coming year I need to spend as much time focusing on this aspect of my practice (daily work) as I do on my mat.

So. To the yamas......and beyond!!!!!!


  1. Love the new title and it's reflection of your current journey. :)

  2. Love the title! I like those yamas--10 personal commandments to live by.

  3. Thanks ladies. And thanks for following along :)

  4. love the title, and I remind my students a LOT that ahimsa must be applied to ourselves as well as others! Good for you - just realizing that the practice of running could lead you into self-harming is a great example of self-awareness & reflection - and then to act on it from a place of love for yourself....kudos, mama!


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