My first mile.

If you had told me 8 weeks ago that I would be excited about a mile, I would have been really confused, as by now I had been planning to be building up to 16 or 17 mile long runs. However, my mile came in the form of a swim, today.

I swam 64 laps, using a pull buoy. I put it between my thighs, and do a bit of a kick with my lower legs, but keep my hips totally immobile, as if or when I do use my right hip, it is still really painful. The buoy is the perfect helper, as it keeps me immobile and increases the workload on my upper body and my cardiovascular system. I do sets of 10 laps, then stop for about a 20 second break. Today was the first day that I swam outside, as it wasn't a very nice day, and the outdoor pool was empty of the usual mass of screaming children and pool moms. It was so nice to be outside, and for a brief time while the sun came out it was fun to see my shadow following me across the bottom of the pool. I in no way identify as a swimmer.....but the shadow on the bottom of the pool didn't know that, and it clearly resembled a swimmer.


  1. so proud of you!! I see triathlons in your future? In the meantime, enjoy the peace and quiet. xoxo


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