How teachers teach.

Its been a good yoga week. Wednesday nights Yoga Journey class was all deep hip openers. Thursday I had my first unassisted drop back into wheel from standing and then press back up to standing since I was……….12? That was fun ~ Ive been working towards that for a while on my knees, against the wall, and then with a spotter. To do it unassisted was scary but exhilarating. I can do it. Friday morning I had Sue's class, and then Sue and Jyoti came back here for lunch. I didn't expect Sue to bring two bottles of wine, or lunch to last till 3!

I have been blessed with the worlds best mentor. She LOVES to share her knowledge. She loves to see us succeed. She loves to teach us new things, to pick up new things, to network, to help us network. She is the ultimate teacher and instead of hoarding knowledge, instead of being arrogant or acting as though her yoga knowledge is hers alone, her greatest joy is to humbly share it with others. She has taught me so much about what it is to teach yoga, both on and off of the mat. Sue is going to be in my life for a long time, and for that I feel so blessed. I have been really really lucky in life to have great mentors, first Lynne in my career, now Sue in yoga, and hopefully Janice and Barbara in Golf/WGAP (I got two mentors assigned to me ~ they must know how crazy and in need of remedial golf help I am!!!!).

Nate didn't get home from SA till the middle of the night last night, so I had a great girls night at Limoncello with Dee and Tracey. The food was delicious and the company was even better. I feel like life has been a little scattered of late ~ the weekends were taken up with yoga for a while there, and Nate has been traveling so much, and then theres golf ~ I just feel a little out of my ordinary routine ~ and a nice night with girlfriends helped get things feeling normal again.

I had a ladies 18 holers golf clinic today with Jonathan, the club pro. We worked on chipping and putting and talked about some rules and strategy. Here is where I mention that I hadn't actually signed up for any of the Gap matches yet. After playing Wednesday and missing some clutch puts and just being generally insane (like, rushing around and hitting the ball when still out of breath and my heart racing from rushing up a hill with my clubs on my back…..when there was absolutely no reason to be in a rush. I'm the least laid back yoga teacher in the history of yoga teachers. Talk about needing to learn how to breathe? Thats me, on the golf course. I was making myself crazy! After doing that I felt so down on my game that I was second guessing playing at all. Thinking "why set myself up for failure, why make myself a head case, why set out to get embarrassed etc". And today, I just said hell with it. Life is short. I'm going to lose, that part is okay. If I'm too proud to lose, I will never get better. I have sitters already its an opportunity to be outside, to be a part of a team, and to challenge myself. And there are lessons to be learned in losing, and losing is okay!

I'm signed up for all of them. Its okay. Im going to breathe. I'm teaching tomorrow at the Y and then again at Crossfit. I have a bunch of straps for everyone courtesy of Sue, and I need to think some on what I'm actually going to teach them………..they want a gentle yoga class but I know I need to focus on shoulders, hips and hamstrings with these guys. I'm a little nervous. What ARENT I nervous about right now? Jeez.


  1. Read "Yoga Journey" and admit that I got a bit stuck on imagining yoga being do with some Journey playing the in background. "Don't Stop Believin'"? "Open Arms"? Not sure. ;)

    Glad you signed up for your matches. That first step (where you commit) is always the hardest for me. Sometimes it's still hard after that, but it's harder for me to back out/quit. Here's to all your new adventures!

  2. Hahaha ~ isn't it the strangest name for a class? And I dont even know if I could listen to about 6 journey songs without singing out loud courtesy of my parents and …mmmmm, 1986 maybe? And dear lord nothing would empty a yoga class faster than me singing! I used to love this class but lately she's been doing this thing where she has us use straps and she starts the class with like a 7 minute hamstring opener where we lay on our backs…she is a wonderful yoga teacher who I really enjoy but I hate straps and I hate opening up like that ! my mind wanders and my hands ache…I'm just not a strap fan. Anyway, thanks friend. I'm still in denial that this is happening.


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