Rained out.

So, I gor rained out yesterday. More truthfully I got down poured out. As I feel like a real jerk canceling on a sitter just because of the weather when Ive contracted her for work, I had her come anyway. I was so down, I decided to have a great workout and do the Easter and spring shopping that I had been putting off. I got to the gym later than I wanted (plan was to warm up briefly on the stairs then do dance party). As I walked by the stairs there were 2 open, but because the sitter had been late I didnt have time. I walked straight into dance, and there was a sub. DAMN IT. Sarah had announced this last week I had just forgotten. I decided "well, stairs", turned around all all of the stairs were full. Frustrated, I just left. Too long at Target and then the Gap and I had a ton of things done. I got back to the gym at 11:30 for an hour of stairs then was home by 12:30. Some mornings just don't go your way. It does feel good to have Easter more or less ready and I was able to reschedule my round for Friday.

The kids and I had a great afternoon cooking and playing uno, then headed  to the gym late so that I could do Chris's 7 pm vinyasa class. We came home to a sleepover :). It was actually snowing last night………on April 15. W. T. F. Today I'm attending the second of two golf clinics this morning, then Anna (my hairdresser) is coming here to give me a cut and color. There is nothing quite like having a hairdresser come to you…..makes it so easy. My hair is almost as long as the girl above, and about the same color as the non highlighted parts….and we are adding some subtle highlights. I haven't colored it at all since before I was pregnant with Jake but I'm just ready for a change and this seems like a good time of year to lighten it up.

We had really sad, sad news yesterday in that one of our very close friends (and Nate's childhood best friend) lost his Mom to cancer yesterday. We knew as of Saturday that it was a matter of days, but it still comes as a shock, she was only 66. Thankfully her funeral will be on Saturday morning up in the Poconos, so Nate gets in from Germany friday afternoon, and as soon as I am done golfing we will head up, and then I will return on Saturday night, if he feels that he needs to stay the night that night he will ~ but I'm just not dealing with doing the Easter bunny stuff /Easter/Changing plans away from home. Our Easter this year (I'm not hosting this holiday!!!) is very easy ~ Brunch at Applebrook and an Easter Egg hunt at my parents house to follow. Simple. No hassle. After Nate being away literally all week I'm simply not willing to complicate things by spending the entire weekend AND the holiday out of town. Its too much. (I don't have to teach Sunday as both the Y and the Crossfit gym are closed).

How are you celebrating Easter? I will say that as a non religious person I really don't like easter all that much. I loathe ham, (though I like lamb, which is what we have when we host), I think that the whole easter bunny thing is so dumb, and the kids really don't care that much about candy at the end of the day. This year they are each getting a beach towel, bubbles, a pair of goggles, a card game each, sidewalk chalk. and one chocolate bunny. Easter seems to be the new Christmas for some of my friends. I'm too lazy. They just had christmas and birthdays, its cool. Its all about the level of expectations, right?

Keep your fingers crossed for good hair today. Will keep you updated. Critical news here on the blog, folks, critical news. :)


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