Couldn't resist.

On Jan 1 I set a resolution. Unlike many Americans, it was to work out less. I resolved to do nothing but yoga for the month of January as I had been working out too much, I felt.

I've honored it. In fact, I extended it. My hip was feeling great, I felt focused, I felt really good mentally and physically. From that day until today, March 5th, I have literally not done one class, one run, one minute on the stair climber, one anything….other than yoga.

I woke up at 5 am to write one of these two papers that have been hanging over my head. As the sun was coming up I heard birds singing. It was a beautiful sunrise over the back field, as usual. I heard birds and I longed to be outside.

Its been one hell of a winter. Today I simply couldn't resist the allure of fresh air and sunshine on my face. Not really thinking this through I drove to EG Park, one of my favorite haunts. Getting there I realized that the entire trail was snow covered (I've never claimed to be a genius). Annoying. I decided to head over to Hershey's Mill instead, figuring that for sure they would shovel all of the sidewalks for the Senior population. Again, wrong. Stymied I said eft it, I'm running. As the speed limit is 27 in HM (Yes, 27. Not 25, not 30……27) I felt pretty safe running on the road. It was a balmy 31 at go time.

It felt so, so good to be outside. I feel as though we have had snow on the ground for two straight months ~ we are missing our family hikes so much as they simply aren't feasible with a three year old and so much snow. I had to go slower than normal as it was a bit dodgy with the ice and snow and all creeping onto the street in places, but man did it feel good. I also broke one of my self imposed rules and ran 7 miles….I just didn't want to stop.

Its been an interesting week, actually. I did my first cross fit workout on Monday, dragged along by my friend Becky, who wants me to teach there. Ive always been very averse to cross fit. I don't like the cultish aura, the diet, the weird terminology. Also, knowing my personality, it would not be good for me. I would push myself too hard and get injured. However, as I'm trying to get in the door to teach yoga there, I went. It was more fun than I had anticipated, and no one tried to make me gnaw on bones or anything. Not that time, anyway. I went again today, as the other owner was going to be there. She wants me to teach Sunday Mornings. Natch, as thats when I'm teaching at the Y. IF MY PAPERWORK EVER COMES THROUGH. Oh and did I mention that I have four hours on online tests to take? Like "blood born pathogens" and whatnot. This Y job feels more like getting vetted for a CIA position. Its really, really, very incredibly annoying. Anyway, I did another cross fit jobby today (sorry, but saying WOD is just so weird. I picture a wod of toilet paper or some such.).

So, it appears that I am back on the workout circuit. Lets see how this goes this time around, eh?

Yoga Journey tonight, Vinyasa flow tomorrow morning then I have a sitter tomorrow night for Danielle's level I class and Sues inversion class. I teach Friday morning, then have my last weekend of school this weekend! And it ought to be fun as three people are doing their practicums on Saturday and Jyoti and I (and someone else) are doing ours on Sunday. After that I have two more days of school but its split between two weekends…..and I'm done. I need to run through my class a couple of times but I feel confident and ready to go.

Namaste, run, WOD, do whatever you do, just have fun doing it.


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