Pregnant with Luke.
Feeling nostalgic tonight. 06. 07. 08, Octobers. It happens. A great evening celebrating our nephews Confirmation tonight. A great day yesterday playing 18 and a seasons low round. Playing 9 today with Jake. Feeling lots of feelings at the end of the year and lots of changes coming up.
How quickly things change. My babies are all that I have dreamed them to be. Time passes. I taught last night, I teach tomorrow. I'm learning so much right now. I'm in a quiet space as we are in an uncertain space. I trust that the right outcome will happen. Namaste, friends. Happy Halloween.
Baby Luke and pregnant with Jules!
Two babies.
How quickly things change. My babies are all that I have dreamed them to be. Time passes. I taught last night, I teach tomorrow. I'm learning so much right now. I'm in a quiet space as we are in an uncertain space. I trust that the right outcome will happen. Namaste, friends. Happy Halloween.
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