Tuesday Morning

So excited to attend the Namas Day festival this Sunday. I'm taking the full line up of 4 workshops (with Sue, Jyoti was supposed to come with us but she is going to Hawaii instead, lucky girl!). My classes went well this weekend, worked one new pose throughout each of the 6 classes (Inhaling up in warrior I, exhaling down low inside the bent knee while sweeping the arms up towards the ceiling, engaging the triceps, repeating different amounts of times depending on the intensity of the individual class). Had three new people in Sunday AM and 2 new people yesterday in my gentle yoga class.

I'm forcing myself to attend a yoga class at the Y today ~ Because I teach Monday and Friday mornings and coach Thursday nights and Jake has soccer Wed nights…….Nate is gone a lot of Tuesday nights…well, those account for all of Sues class times that I used to attend. I'm missing her yoga like mad. I like being a student, and I'm finding my personal practice faltering a bit. Its my fault. Yes, I could get up and practice at 6 am, but honestly my days are fairly busy at the moment, and while I'm up at 6 am, I find it my one quiet time where its easy to sit still, sip coffee, and check up on email/organize that aspect of my life so that I can then go forth with my day not having to be tied to my phone/email/computer in any way. Today I'm taking in a lunchtime yoga class, hitting the practice range/(I'm so tempted to play golf. I made a tee time for myself tomorrow……though the weather really looks better today. I'm afraid of playing too much/getting mental about Saturday.) I have to do a drive by of tomorrow nights class to figure out exactly where it is in this office park, the last thing that I want to do is be late. So much of being a good teacher is preparation. Have back ups (If they don't have an iPhone plug in, have a CD in your bag. Have an extra mat or two in your car. Get there early. Always. Etc etc).

Anyway. I'm really looking forward to some new ideas and energization of my own yoga practice and teaching this Sunday. Quite a few of my students are attending, and I'm excited to interact with them in a different setting. I'm becoming friends with many of them, actually splitting a cow share with a student from my 8 am sunday class! Like anything, the more you put into it the more you get out, and right now I feel very lucky to be getting so much back from my students.

More on my new idea that I'm going to be marketing to Mom's on Thursday at Athleta coming up soon.  


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