You know you want to see it.

You know you can't wait to see pics of me rocking the beach wheelchair on vacation.

Alas, you will have to wait till the next time bad fortune strikes and a hospital screws the boot, because today I got cleared to go on vacation WITHOUT a wheelchair! I had pretty much resigned myself too it, too, and was considering shopping for a new bikini to match the big wheels.

So. I'm feeling chipper. It was a great surgical follow up today with my Ortho. I'm 2 weeks +1 post surgery today, and I got my staples out. Have you ever had staples before? I admit to being a little gacked out about regarding the entire thing, having never had them before. Like, they are staples. They go like this { but then IN to hold them in place, you know? So, how do they pull them out? The Dr told me not to watch, but of course my sister and I had to, being fascinated by gross things. (I had asked my sister to come with me into my appointment as I can't remember anything these days, and had a lot of questions, and wanted to remember everything). They have these pincher things that pull them up in the middle, and then they just pull them out all at once. A little pinch, not too bad, a little gross. Incision looks pretty good, not incredible, and I got some steri strips over it to hold it tight for a bit. The Ortho gave me the green light to get in the pool 24 hrs post removal, but there is no way I'm getting near a public pool (or even my own jacuzzi) until that sucker is sealed up tight, after hearing some infection horror stories from my uncle. That is the last thing I need or am willing to risk.

He cleared me to walk my 50% weight bearing way right up onto our beach spot! He said to skip the ocean, for now, as the waves won't help an unstable joint. No problem. No wheelchair necessary (sweet!). And the best news of all?

Two more weeks of crutches, tapering down to one towards the end of that two weeks, with the goal of being entirely weight bearing  (aka CRUTCH FREE) by 6 weeks post surgery. That is less than 4 weeks from today. That means I can drive when I get home from vacation. That means I can use one crutch on vacation. That means I can theoretically be a person who walks without crutches long before August, and someone who is 100% recovered from this in a matter of a few short months.

The universe is so freaking weird.

I don't even know what I'm thinking.

I'm taking a nap to ponder this all, as its a lot to take in. I can't believe the insanity of the past few weeks. The pain, the trauma, the INSANE expense that full time help has meant, the outpouring of help, the vulnerability I have felt, the fear, the wild ride this has all been. And now, things seem to be turning this crazy corner, where suddenly if I can live through this week (which, is really pretty easy with food coming in, the big kids at camp, full time help, and this continuing good news) and manage to pack us up....then enjoy vacation with my husband and kids and continued full time help.....well, I will theoretically be driving again and somewhat in charge of my own destiny a little bit more again once we return. I feel like I've gone from darkness into light a little quickly and its making me sneeze, or feel a little disoriented. I need to remember that my hip still hurts, that I'm still 2 weeks +1, and to not get ahead of myself and start spring marathon planning and whatnot. Because at the end of the day, I'm still me, and I'm still a pain in the ass like that ;). So, to stop myself from being who I am, I'm going to take a nap, and let this all sink in a little, just to keep myself safe from myself and my ever moving thoughts. For now, for today, this is good news, and I will let tomorrow, or next week, take care of itself as it comes. The thought of being crutch free is 3 weeks has me beaming from ear to ear. Thank you thank you to anyone who is sharing this journey with me.

Again ~ I need a nap. This is all coming at me fast, suddenly.


  1. I had staples in 1996 when I had my knee cap repaired. I recall them using what looked like needle nose pliers to take mine out. :)

  2. Totally super stoked for you!! You are right to not get ahead of yourself, but it's good to have good news, so go ahead and beam about it!

  3. I laughed at the way you said in the title of this Blog post, "You know you want to see it" and then showed a picture of the beach wheelchair with the umbrella, and laughed again when you said you were going to get a bikini to match the wheels! Hahaha love it. Great news about being crutch free sooner than you had hoped!

  4. Such great news Melis! :) So happy to hear you are healing... although a picture of you in that beach wheely in a bikini would be classy.


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