My parents celebrated their 41st anniversary yesterday. Thats a whole lot of years of good memories. Today I celebrated my low round at CVG this season in the ladies day tournament ~ the format was simply low net and low putts. I shot a 73, net. (that means adjusted with my handicap)….so I was happy. I was going to stay for lunch, but my partner couldn't stay, and when I realized that it was 12:30 and I had till 2:45 I was pretty psyched. I changed and headed straight to the gym. Book in hand I got in 30 minutes on the stairs (new routine ~ I won't do them for any more than 30 minutes anymore. I do 15 minutes at calorie burner (gradual intervals up and down) at level 14, then I have started to crank it up, really raising my heart rate like crazy. I do 15 minutes of straight intervals ~ going between 140 steps/minute and 70 steps/minute. It is INTENSE. It takes all of my willpower to finish those 15 minutes, and man does it get your heart rate jacked up. From there I went straight into one of the empty group fitness rooms with a 30 lb and 50 lb kettle bell. 50 swings, 50 single arm swings, then burpees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, squats with overhead press with the bell, and then dead lifts. All sets of 50. Planks, russian twists with the kettle bell, and then I went to the wall with the big soft medicine ball thing. I had the 14 lb one. Did 25 side wall throws and catches (each side) then 15 overhead throws with each leg leading. That was it. It was perfect timing to get off to pick up the kids from school.
We got home to the happy surprise that Nate was already home from Ireland. He had a fantastic trip and came home with great pictures (and great golf clothes for yours truly). Its good to have us all together again. Tomorrow is dance party and some intervals, then the inversion class (which I've been missing so badly) tomorrow night. A busy weekend looms ~ The Anniversary Bowl is an afternoon mixed better ball tournament, we are playing with the Howells. Following that is a cocktail hour, dinner and dancing. Saturday the pool opens and there are all sorts of events to celebrate the kick off of the season. Friday night we are out with friends. Monday is Jakes birthday party.
I felt surprisingly good after that run yesterday.
Am I being stupid to be thinking about running more again? I'm calling my ortho tomorrow to set up an appointment for some x rays and a frank conversation about surgery. Obviously it couldn't be till late fall due to golf and swimming. Speaking of swimming…….GOAL: get my ass back in the pool and swimming laps. I have a week to enact this goal. Morning swims are the best and I miss them. So…..lots to work on.
Wow, you are impressively strong. (I say this knowing you are doing "lighter" workouts these days.) I don't use kettlebells, but 50 pounds sounds pretty bad ass! Of course 50 reps of anything is pretty exhausting. I admire your motivation to do all that on your own. Having someone yelling at me to keep going helps. ;) Congrats on the great golf. Crossing everything that your ortho appointment goes as you hope. Your schedule is so full, that I'm sure it would be a nice to be able to throw a quick run in more often or at least feel comfortable with having the option. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!