Mothers Day.

I taught yoga at 8 AM on Mothers Day. I wondered if anyone was going to show up.  There ended up being a 10, half of our usual crowd, and it was a nice group. I felt honored to share a yoga practice with them ~ because while yes, I'm a Mom, I'm also a yogi and a wife and a million other things. The entire weekend was pretty much a celebration of "Mothers Day"……so for 75 minutes it was nice to get out and just be a yoga teacher. The week itself was a bit crazy as I played my last GAP match on Tuesday, played 18 with Ginny and Cindy on Wednesday, and played in the Member Guest at Applebrook on Thursday. I don't know that Ive played 18 three days in a row since……our honeymoon? It was amazing. So was my Thursday round, for the first time all season I felt just *right* over the ball. I shot this seasons low, which I was pleased with. My goal for this year is to break my all time low…….... which is not going to happen from the gold tees at CVGC, I just have to accept that. Of course, I haven't yet played from the red tees, so perhaps I should get on that.

Friday night was a wild night out with the BRC celebrating Viely's induction into the rugby hall of fame (its only been 2.5 years since Nate retired from rugby… quickly I forget the shenanigans!). Saturday Luke had a game, we went out for a long lunch, I got a nap and a pedicure in with my girl before dinner ~ Sunday the kids surprised me with a treasure hunt for my gifts, a lovely brunch out after my class, and then we played golf with the Riegls at 1. A perfect weekend all around. Being a Mom is a great gig.

Nate is in Ireland on his golf trip with his Dad and 10 friends……I'm excited for him as he needs a break from work right now. First round went well today :)

Its officially summer FOOD! We have been feasting on local asparagus, fiddlehead ferns, strawberries, local lettuces, our herbs are all in and growing, and the first caprese's have been eaten. The grill is in constant use and fish is on the menu many nights. We are entertaining a lot in the coming weekends and I'm looking forward to preparing favorites such as grilled shrimp tacos and planked salmon. I'm going to start posting recipes on the blog, just because. This year our CSA also includes eggs, bread and meat, which is different than in years past. First delivery is next week. I've a love/hate affair with CSA's around here, and am on and off with them. This is our first time with this one, which has a central pick up at the preschool Jake and Jules go to…..2 miles away. Easy. And the scope of what they offer is crazy, but a little overwhelming too. Almost too big? We will see.

This week is busy as well, I'm teaching 6 classes ~ AND, the Mind/Body coordinator contacted me asking if I would be willing to teach a prenatal class starting in the fall. Ah ~ YES! Very excited about that. I'm really settling into teaching ~ finding so much joy in both my power classes and my gentle yoga classes. I had two women in their late 70's in my class doing their FIRST yoga class ever on Monday. One wonderful thing about the Y is the diversity ~ I really am getting an amazing experience ~ I have to modify my classes on the fly each week depending on who shows up ~ it is such a great challenge and I love it. Im getting to know my regulars and I  look forward to seeing them every week. I did my first workout at the Y this morning, there were just no classes at ACAC that appealed to me, and then I remembered that I had a membership at the Y as well… I went and took a body combat class ~ it was great! This having two first rate gym memberships within a couple of miles of my house is pretty sweet. I decided this week to change up my workouts some ~ first off I simply hadn't been getting to the gym enough between all of this golf and all of the kids end of year activities. More on whats changing in a later post ~ But its all about speed and efficiency. I'm loving it.

Other news : A new yoga teaching gig : teaching yoga to women just released from prison who are reentering society. Right? How cool is this? Its a volunteer gig with our county and I could not be more excited about it. There is an astonishing lack of support and resources available to people who have served time and are trying to reenter society, which is one reason that recidivism is so high. If I can help in just one little tiny way to give women support, to help them find a way to feel nurtured or to learn to nurture themselves, I will be so happy. I think that its a great idea and a great program and I can't wait to find out more/get started.


  1. Hi! :)

    So much awesome stuff here. Prenatal yoga with Kailey was my first yoga ever and I still remember how wonderful I felt doing it and how much it helped with the discomforts which can come from stretching to grow a baby (especially the first time). Your volunteer opportunity sounds exciting as well. Looking forward to hearing more details.

    Your fresh produce has me drooling. We are just starting to get into the spring options here after our endless winter. Makes me so happy. Fresh peas! White peaches! Yum.

    Belated Happy Mother's Day! Yoga, treasure hunt, brunch and golf...sounds like a pretty great day. I went out for a long trail run with friends which fed my soul and then filled my heart with my little people and Bill. You are right about being more than "mom" and making sure to nourish the rest of who we are. Great reminder. xoxo

  2. Hi friend :) Happy Mothers Day to you. I'm excited about your recent trail 1/2…..and yes to the endless winter, the other day I was complaining about the humidity and Nate gave me the stink eye ~ there just is no complaining about warmth after the winter we all endured. Glad you had a good Mothers day and i'm living my running vicariously through you, I hope you know.

  3. You know I already have it in my mind that we will have a trail adventure on day, right? Even if we are the hobbly old ladies rocking the trail with our fanny packs. ;)


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