An actual "yoga winner"

I just stumbled across this on a blog I was reading. Wow. He's like a ballerina gymnast contortionist ~ its mesmerizing though. Bizarre. I never knew that there was a world yoga champion, let alone a competition for such a thing. Such a big funny world isn't it?

Class was good today, one person walked out……which was strange. I think she takes my class every week, so I'm not sure what was up with that. Trying not to feel self conscious about it. The class really felt like a good, integrated one, people breathing, plenty of new stuff, etc….so I really hope it wasn't that she didn't like it? Especially as the head of the entire branch was taking my class today (no pressure).  She had never taken it before. Seemed nice enough. One first time student ~ a very older woman, told me at the end (to my surprise as I kept fretting that the class was too hard for her during class) that it was the best class she had ever taken. I assume that means it was her first yoga class :).  I also had another first timer to my class ~ it was his second class ever. He had been diagnosed with Parkinsons 10 years ago. He was so nice, and we ended up talking for a long time. I love the people I meet, that is truly the best part of teaching.

I have the opportunity to get certified to teach total body conditioning classes at the Y, and they have a need for teachers. I think it might be fun….don't know? Do I really want to get distracted by something else? The plan was to look for a studio in the fall…but the Y is so convenient and its not like the pay difference actually matters, so I could see myself just staying at the Y ~ the childcare thing is huge and it really is a community place, not such an elitist and homogeneous place as ACAC is. I figure the summer is either going to make me hate teaching (just the times of my classes are a bit annoying and will be inconvenient frequently in the summer with the wildly different schedule) Checor make me really love it, so I guess I just hang in there and see what all shakes out.


  1. Okay, is that yoga or a contortionist?! Where is the line? Regardless...amazing.

    Did your walkout happen before class started? Yoga might be different, but people in fitness classes seem to think they can come and go whenever. It's odd to me. I can understand leaving during a cool down during a fitness class if you are rushing to another class or activity. Or if you have a random time crunch. But I took a spin class where someone came in 15 mins late, got out a bike and then left after 20 mins. It's weird. Just hit up a cardio machine by yourself. Anyway, sounds like you are building a nice base of people who appreciate your instruction. I love that you are taking the time to get to know them and helping them be comfortable in your class. Love it.

    What exactly is total body conditioning? Are we talking full body strength with weights? An interval-type class? Either way, if the Y covers your certification, why not give it a go? Can't hurt depending on what kind of commitment they expect from you. (If you end up hating it, will you still have to teach?) I bet you would be great at helping people get strong without going nuts and hurting themselves. (i.e. the people who think it's best to do 5 reps with poor form and 20 pound weights rather than complete all the sets with lighter weights and good form.)

  2. I think that the "line" for me was the clapping. It was a performance, not really what I know as yoga. Then again I watched some movie that had all these videos of lots of the original people who brought yoga out of caves and they were sortov putting on a show too. So who knows? It was mesmerizing. The walkout happened like 30 minutes into class? I've had to leave classes before, but tell the teacher beforehand if I'm sneaking out early so she knows why, and then set up my mat by the door. People treat yoga instructors like hairdressers or massage therapists ~ they love to tell you about themselves and what is going on with them. Its awesome.

    I don't even know exactly what it is. I agree though, and no, I wouldn't have to teach. If nothing else its CEC and those can never hurt. I thought that I would have to pay to do it, but the Y covers it, so I think that I'm going to do it. There are 2 random 4 hour courses on wellness and something else that I have to take first, so I'm setting up times to do those, I figure anything someone wants to teach me for free I should learn. We shall see, but thanks for the kind words. Crossing the line into fitness vs yoga makes me a little nervous as many (most?) fitness instructors seem a little ….obsessed. I don't want to even risk all that nonsense.

  3. yeah, i think all the competition nonsense comes out of the bikram line. entertaining, but not really much more than that to me. perhaps instructive or inspiring? shrug.

    i come from a place where one is NEVER late and one does NOT leave class unless there is an emergency. then, whoa, big adjustment at the Y. While students are in general very receptive and not what one would consider a "typical," "gym" crowd, there are those who come in late (some of them do so regularly and it is kind of irksome, they know what time class starts and they are not rushing from work or whatever), and some who leave early. it's not frequent, but it happens. sometimes it's a student I know has to leave a few minutes early due to other commitments but they really want to do at least part of the class, and they are very respectful about quietly leaving, and like you said, plan for it by setting up by the door. I've had a couple times where someone leaves I think because the class was not what they thought it would be - either not appropriate level or maybe my teaching style is not for them. I have had a few students who sometimes try to sneak out before savasana, now I make a point of saying that many believe savasana to be the most important posture and that for many people it is the most difficult, far more than standing on the head.

    when it happens, I take the opportunity to briefly reflect on how the class has gone, honestly, and if I've done my best then I let it go, let them go mentally, with a little love. you never know, maybe someone suddenly gets their period unexpectedly and it has nothing to do with you ;-)

  4. Jenn I just ordered this book and I can't wait to receive it, have you heard of it?

    And thanks, I do agree with you that it does seem to happen more at the y…..Im starting to attend more classes there and I see it a lot. Thank you ~ you always have just the right words to encourage and support and I appreciate them more than you know :)

  5. :) too funny, I have almost bought that book a few times...let me know if it's worth it!


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