Sunday Funday

It was a hectic morning. Teaching at 8 AM isn't easy without a partner at home with the kids. My Mom came over ~ but getting out the door was a mess as I first left without my yoga mat/bag because I was in Nate's car as my parents needed mine to drive the kids to their church (grimace), then I left TAKING my car keys with me. I realized this when I was almost at the Y. Panicked. Ended up calling my Mom, leaving my keys at the front desk of the Y and my Dad picked them up on the way and brought them to my Mom. There are just so many moving parts having three kids and trying to slapdash care together. The 75 minute power vinyasa flow class felt good yesterday ~ I feel like the class and I are all in rhythm now and they understand my cueing/flow to my vinyasas, I know who is who and who and when and how to adjust etc….but yesterdays class was smaller than normal. I texted Sue afterwards asking her if I completely sucked or if it was the weather…..she said weather and that her class had been small too. That made me feel better. I also had a regular ask very specifically about chaturanga, which is something that I have been wanting to go over with them…..but it is touchy….you don't want to feel like you are calling out the class as doing something wrong and you want to present the information in the right way and at the right time. Now that someone has pointedly asked I'm going to bring it up in the 5 minutes before class next week and see where it goes.

Amber came to babysit while I went to teach my second class at the Crossfit gym. It was a good group and though I accidentally chose annoying music, it was a nice class. I got home and chilled out with a big lunch and some lay around time with the kids, and we took off for Tyler. Tyler has been a favorite since the kids were born. We try to get there at least once a month, and yesterday was just perfect. The 6 kids tore around the woods and meadows, we hit every treehouse, and got a great hike in in the process. I was going to treat them to Chipotle for dinner, but the line was so ridiculously long (I'm so bummed they don't franchise…..I would open a Chipotle in a second, they are just killing it in this area) that we came home and made some quesadillas and guacamole.

I woke up yesterday with my face feeling inflamed and…raw? My under eye area and cheeks were red and a little puffy. I couldn't figure out what happened…all I could think that that I had some reaction to the sunscreen I put on before golf. Last night I chopped up some habaneros for my guacamole, and after doing the dishes I accidentally touched my face with my left hand  ~ BURNING. It hit me immediately ~ when I washed my face and put on moisturizer on Saturday night I had habanero oil still on my hands, and in touching my face I irritated/inflamed my skin. Ouch! I've been enjoying hot peppers for 30 years now and I still do this crap to myself? Jeez.

I can't even believe that this coming weekend is Memorial Day. We aren't going to go to the beach for the first time in forever…..we are playing in a couples golf tournament on Sunday and the pool opens on Saturday and it just seemed like a nice weekend to enjoy being home. This will officially be the first tournament that Nate and I play in as a team! Very excited, especially as my index has continued to rise and my game is slowly, slowly coming together.  Thats a good combination. I also officially entered the ladies club championship. I have a bye in the first round….and we will see what happens from there. Its Match Play, so you just never know.

The weather looks good for the week, a little cooler than normal which I love, I'm playing in the ladies day outing on Wednesday, teaching today, and I'm class shopping at the moment to figure out what I want to do this morning. Vinyasa flow with Adriana? A run? Both? I love Mondays when I don't have to foodshop and the house is clean ~ feeling way ahead of the game as the week begins. Speaking of game, could Game of Thrones even be any better? I read the books about a year ago but man am I enjoying this season.

Its also just hitting me that a week from today I will be running around getting ready to host Jake's 4th birthday party….yet I swear I was pregnant with him a moment ago. How did we get from there to here so quickly?

Here is to a good week ahead ~ for all! Cheers.


  1. I can't even believe your baby is FOUR. Wasn't it just last summer you were heading into your epic labor marathon? Do you think things will just keep getting faster or when we are old ladies in our rocking chairs we will have some endless time to look back over all these crazy years?

    Have a happy week, enjoying the cooler weather.

  2. Yes, yes it seems like last summer. Then again I look around, at how different the house is, the whole rhythm of life is so different with these bigger kids……..and in some ways that whole infant/nurse all the time thing feels like a really long time ago. Its so just crazy the way the time goes. Remember how summer felt eternal as a kid? Today I was laying in bed with Luke and daydreaming about summer…..knowing that its going to be over in about a minute. My entire intention/goal for this summer is to keep it slow…….is it even possible anymore? I hope so.


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