A bit of a binge.

 Winding down our fun mornings at the bus stop. Less than 2 weeks left! 
My running buddy. Nap time runs remind me of exactly what I was doing 2 years ago this week….which was when my pain first presented, atypically and out of nowhere. Within a week I was on crutches with a diagnosis of a stress fracture, and on June 11th I was in emergency surgery with a broken femur. Good times. 

After 8 pushing the 48 lb kid in the 25 lb stroller….a workout. Hills are a real bear. 

I've been so out of whack lately. Between teaching, subbing classes, Nate being away, end of year stuff, and golf, the past three months have been completely weird. I don't think I have had a week away from the gym since breaking my hip. I've certainly never played 4 rounds in a week while not on vacation. Its all been topsy turvey.

Today I went for a run for the first time in a long time. Maybe a month, or 2? It was just so incredibly beautiful out, perfect running weather, that I craved it. We went out after lunch (I learned an important lesson about eating smoked salmon before running in the heat. Learned it the hard way.) to EG park. Ran into my caddy from Applebrook, who had three kids fairly close to my kids ages. Jake played with them for an hour, then we started our run as it was time for his nap. I didnt have music. I couldn't believe how good it felt. My hip felt great. Temperature was perfect. And I actually got sad that I couldn't really DO this do this anymore. I miss running. Anyway I ran 8 miles while Jake slept, and it felt fantastic. I admit to getting my google fu on tonight, searching for "marathon after hip pinning" etc. Could not even BELIEVE how many people have had their hardware out after the surgery I had due to problems with protruding screws. More convinced than ever that that is what I need.

Then I got paranoid that between yesterdays Body Combat and a little bit of kettle bells I was going to be sore and tight tomorrow for golf, so I went to yoga tonight. I got in both the foundations of yoga class at 6 and the vinyasa flow class at 7.

It was a little excessive. I'm exhausted. I'm needing one of the creamsicles that Jake picked out today. I have to be up and out with the people early tomorrow for the tournament, I have an 8:30 tee and its going to be interesting. I'll probably be running in at 8:29 after dropping everyone off and be totally frazzled but thats okay. Its still golf. I'm falling asleep sitting up.


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