Memorial Day Weekend 2014

 The Love Your Body campaign the Y is running. I think that this is a great thing and I'm proud to be a part of it. I'm proud to love my body (why is this such a hard thing for us to say as women? Why do women tear down women who don't hate themselves? It's sad) and I hope that through teaching yoga I can help other people to love their bodies. I hope hope hope that I can raise children who can manage to retain the love that they have for their strong healthy bodies through adolescence.  
 The bench Spartan workout. A 3 mile run, then a mile of benches. Stopping at each bench (probably about every 50 yards) with a different exercise at each one ~ jump ups, crunches, tricep dips, etc. Its a killer workout. I did this with a friend Thursday afternoon while pushing our sleeping kids at nap time after a picnic lunch at the playground. Dying. 
 A crazy hail storm. 
 See? Ive never seen anything like it. We had 2 inches of ice, some as big as golf balls. 
 It shredded my plants
And ravaged the garden. 

Its FRIDAY OF MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! Let the festivities begin! I kicked off the weekend a litttttle early with a bit of fun last night down at the Free's house. Spent this afternoon out looking at 3 houses with my realtor. None of them are "the one"… was close and two were awful. The one that was close has a pool……and I just don't know that I want to deal with a pool. Anyone have a pool? It seems like a huge liability to me and a lot of work. My realtor is also trying to recruit me to work with her………I think that I would love it. I'm innately incredibly nosy, I love seeing peoples homes, I love sales, and I know a lot of people. Ive often thought about real estate, but the whole "working on weekends" thing always turned me off. I may actually consider it as I really think that it would be fun and I really think that it could be a good fit for me. Plus I know that I would enjoy working with my realtor (who I have literally known my entire life). Oh, also money. So, yeah. Life. 

Today is a rest day after a positively killer workout yesterday. I also taught gentle yoga yesterday at 11:40 yesterday, it was a really good class. I'm enjoying these gentle yoga classes so much ~ the Y has just been such an incredible experience for me in the time months that I have been there. The diversity is so exciting and its just such a treat to be able to work with people of all ages and abilities. Quite a change from my 9:30 power vinyasa flow classes at ACAC on monday and tuesday morning with a packed house of women who all look exactly like me. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, and thats nice in its own way too, but the Y is a special place. I'm grateful. I am officially entered into the club championship ….. which is scary, but shit, life is short, right? Why not give it a go!? The current club champion also just emailed me asking if she could play with me in the Member/Guest which is coming up in June. My Mom is my guest, so its going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait to see Trish (the CC) play…….because women who are awesome golfers inspire me. Looking forward to the Anniversary Bowl on Sunday….1:30 shotgun start and the first time Nate and I have played a tournament together as a team! 

A night out tonight with the kids and friends, and hopefully no more armegeddon like weather. The hail was completely crazy, breaking windows, killing plants, and even a tornado thrown in for good measure. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get to one of Sues yoga classes….I'm going through withdrawal. 

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, have a wonderful weekend.

And love your body. You've only got one, after all. 


  1. Happy Weekend! I didn't realize you guys were house shopping. Because of the developments in your open field? Bummer. I think pools are a ton of work, but you guys spend so much time at the pool during the summer, it seems like you could really get a lot of enjoyment from the effort. My ILs have a pool and my husband/BILs all talk about the neighborhood pool parties and summer fun while growing up. Could be awesome, but I would understand the hesitation.

    The body love message is a good one. I spend a lot of time working on ingraining that into little heads around here. :)

  2. so glad you're loving the Y! I feel the same way about "my" Y, and man do I love teaching gentle classes - the one I teach is the morning after I teach a late evening "intermediate" class which is usually closer to advanced, so it's nice to teach a slow, sweet practice after that.

    pools are a lot of work from what I hear, and I would probably be a total maniac about the safety factor with kids around. but it would be so nice in so many ways!

  3. Karly there are no plans to develop the field….its just a down the road possibility if and when the present owner dies (which could be like 10 years from now!!!). Its also an issue of the kids getting to the age where I really see the advantages off being in a true neighborhood…..we are in a neighborhood but not a subdivision where there are tons of families and tons of kids our kids ages out at night playing etc. My ILS have a pool too and Nate loved it growing up but……I like going to the pool and not having the liability just fine, you know? Jenn our Y is offering a 12 hour class on "extremely gentle" yoga/yoga for the elderly or physically limited and I'm thinking about taking it. Good CEC's and with so many of my students being elderly in those gentle mid day classes I could really use some specific techniques and/or modifications. Glad that you love them too :)

  4. Or, you know, you could come down here for the Seniors yoga training ;-)


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