Melancholy Thursday

The best thing ever. swim team started. Stupid, ridiculous, awesome cute. 
The worst thing (not ever), yesterday…..getting rained out on 12. Especially as I was having my best round of the season, two strokes lower on my front nine, and went out strong on the back. We had weathered two strong showers on the front, but the real downpour started on #11 and by the end of 12 the three women I was playing with wanted to throw in the towel. I almost finished on my own, but I didnt have my rain gear with me and it was cold…..I was on foot, and truthfully at that point a pedicure at Floris sounded much better. 

It was just a frantic day yesterday ~ rushing from picking up Jake to getting the kids ready for swim team to getting dinner ready to getting out the door to the WGap party at Joni's. It was at her AMAZING new house….pretty much the exact house I want (I was texting my realtor from there, but all of the lots are already long sold, unfortunately.). Our weather is unseasonably, horribly cold. Poor Luke was in tears at the end of swim practice, and I don't blame him. If the weather stays as it is today (I don't even think its 60 out) we aren't going to go, it just isn't warm enough. 

I just finished my stair workout ~ 15 minutes of calorie burner on level 13 then my interval workout ~ 15 minutes at a work rate of 130 steps/min and rest rate of 70 steps/min. Its just such a killer heart rate booster, I love it. Followed that up with dance party, which never fails to disappoint. 

I'm feeling distinctly melancholy. Too much lately. Just too much. Too much socializing, too many rich meals, too  many late nights, too much golf, not enough workouts, too much teaching and not enough practicing……I feel incredibly stressed by my inbox ~ I'm totally procrastinating things, pretending that obligations will just go away if I ignore them. They wont. The house is messy because I've been rushing from one thing to the next and entertaining, and my house is never messy. I feel overwhelmed. I hate this feeling. I can't decide if that means I should go home and bust ass to get everything in gear……or go take a nap with Jake. This arrived yesterday and I'm fantasizing about curling up in front of the fire and reading it. We just got new couches in the living room and they are incredibly cozy….its a bleak, grey, ugly day and I think that that may be just what the doctor ordered. A big bowl of soup….some tea, maybe a long soak in the tub? I don't like frantic and things have been frantic. Its time to slow down. I have to realize that I just can't do it all. The house can be imperfect for another day, I'm sure of it. 


  1. Hope you chose bath/book/nap. xoxo

  2. honey, this may not help but I get overwhelmed when I get to about 17.5% of what you normally do! I agree with Karly, and hope whatever you chose did you right :)


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