I'm due for a good rant, no?
So, Facebook. Good old Facebook.
I admit that the "I"m going to bitchslap the next person who says" is always sure to catch my eye.
It related to this article.
Now, we all know that Cosmo is a bastion of higher thinking, a veritable breeding ground for great minds, cutting edge journalism, and educated opinion. The piece was stupid. I do crave salad, I do love working out, I could cut a bitch for a spa day, I hate processed foods, love baths and I love museums. That said I wanted a beautiful wedding ring, "nail art" doesn't even register in my "things that I know about" radar, and well, I don't talk about sex or blow jobs on the blog. I leave that stupidity to Cosmo.
Now. About the lactose/gluten/blah blah blah, that was the one that incensed my friend enough to make her want to "bitchslap" the next person who claimed an intolerance. Strong feelings, no?
Now I get that lots of people may cut out gluten for no reason at all. But shit, lots of people cut out lamb or veal or shellfish or beer or kittens for no reason at all, that doesn't make people want to punch them in the face (or does it?) All I know is that if YOU were dealing with the autoimmune issue that I was dealing with…….you would probably leap at ANY suggestion that a medical professional that you trusted gave you. And when you finally gave up and said "I can't do this anymore, I'm just not sure that its working….and saw your issues RETURN……." you would flock back to following their directions. And I'm 100% symptom free. I know that stress is a huge component of my particular issue, and I feel extremely little stress at the moment, so could that be it? Of course. But knowing that people may want to slap me in the face for following my Dr's orders and seeing results? Well. Someone needs a little more yoga and a little less emotional codependency regarding the diets of other people.
Nate is actually sad face Nate at times with this whole GF thing. I had to go to an entire shopping trip on Friday morning just for him. I'm so used to cooking that whipping up a lunch for myself is easy ~ for him, not so much. He feels like he simply doesn't have enough options, so I brainstormed and went out and got him a bunch of quick and easy to prepare lunch and breakfast ideas, and wrote them down for him. It isn't easy, and he wishes he didn't have to do it. BUT, he hates, HATES his skin. He hates people commenting on it. He hates feeling self conscious. He actually had someone (the caddy master, of all people) say to him "She actually keeps you around looking like that?". I mean ~ shit. Talk about wanting to bitch slap someone.
So you know what? If you don't like how other people eat? I encourage you to not eat like them. If you question the motives behind someones diet, fine. But until you know why they are doing what they are doing, try not to make assumptions. Try not to assume that everyone is slap worthy just because they have eliminated a food item. I work hard to not assume that everyone who is a vegan has some form of an eating disorder. In my experience that holds true, but I certainly don't want to slap those people, if anything I want to give them a big hug (and a piece of cheese). I think that fruitarians are disordered, I do. Ditto raw foodists. It simply isn't smart, or balanced. BUT ~ I don't actually CARE if they want to eat that way?! I mean, I have a couple in my newsfeed and I watch for the inevitable return to actual food, but they don't inspire ANGER in me. Anyone else know what I mean? People who feed their kids fast food are probably the closest to the anger inspirers, because the kids are innocent victims, but, again, they are the ones who are going to suffer the consequences, so really I feel pity or sorrow at the ignorance, not anger.
Life is hard enough. Lets all let one another eat what we want with a touch of grace, shall we?
Two great classes today, my 5:15 is building and tonight I had 10!!! Up from 2 one week when I had first taken over. So happy. 18 in my 12:30 gentle class and other than that it was yet another rest day for me. With the big second round match play championship tomorrow against (sortov mean) Jane, I want to feel loose and rested. Golf is totally ruining my workout routine, and I love it. Changing it up a little (okay, a lot) is good! I got the email from the corporate woman ~ confirming the rate and the other great part of this hiring is that it means that I have clearance to sub for Sue at this corporation! THIS IS BIG.
Tomorrow at 8:30 is my match…….then will meet the kids at the pool for a lazy afternoon.
Wish me luck…again!
First off, I want to smack the insensitive ass who made that comment to Nate. People can really just be rude assholes. Second? I'm the biggest live/let live person until you start preaching your ideals as the ONE RIGHT WAY for everyone. If someone gets attacked for being vegan, I will stick up for them until they start saying everyone should be vegan, you know? Looking at you acquaintance on FB who not only posts pro-vegan articles on your own page all day long, but will post on the statuses of others who chose to eat differently. Aside from thinking it's weird to talk about your food choices at all on social media, let's talk about the statistics on woodland creatures losing their habitat for your quinoa or those nice leather running shoes you are wearing, mmm-kay? Right. Or we could all just mind our own business and make whatever choices work for us without needing to explain or convert. (Applied to parenting, religion, life partners, etc.)
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your match, Melis. Om Om! :)
omg, people are so crazy. and I kinda think fruitarians are a bit wacko myself, but you know, do what works for you. I know folks who do 80-90% raw and it works for them, but they are people who do not obsess over it, you know? it's truly what *works* for them. I am pondering more and more getting some testing done on the kids, especially O, for wheat sensitivity...I'd rather do the testing before an elimination diet because between being a vegetarian household and his serious pickiness/sensory issues, I'm not willing to go through the hell without some indication it's warranted.
ReplyDeleteYAY for the big job opp! and good luck, do your best and have fun!
Oh Karly exactly!!!!! And thanks girls :) Jenn I have a friend whose two kids went straight to testing, and were both positive (both parents had auto immune issues and one child had continually upset bowels despite being totally healthy active kids….first blood test then biopsy revealed celiac). It definitely makes sense in a kid where its harder to control what they eat. For me it wasn't so hard, for Nate (especially with all of his traveling) its a lot harder.
ReplyDeleteKarly its the EXPLAINING thing that drives me crazy. Its absolutely no ones business why someone eats why they do. When I was in treatment I had a friend and fellow patient who was sexually assaulted (repeatedly) involving ice cream cones. She could not eat them. Would not eat them. Did not have to eat them. I see her on FB, she is still thin, but appears to be recovered. I always wonder, what if some insensitive asshole interpreted her continual saying "no" to having ice cream as a "wanting to be skinny" thing. Does she "owe" that person who wants to bitch slap her for her food choice an explanation? No, clearly she doesn't.
I hate it when things push my buttons.
Hello, I've never commented before (well, ok, once but blogspot ate it and I didn't have time to re-type it all). I found your blog through another that I sometimes read and was interested because I'm trying to learn more about yoga (expecting my first child soon and something tells me it might not be easy to fit in much running after that). I also love hearing about golf... because I think it's cool but know nothing about what it takes to actually play golf!!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, this post made me want to give commenting a second go... I couldn't agree more with what you have to say regarding that fb post and article. First off, like you, very few of those things on that list are lies for me (I crave salad, love working out, would never claim to love camping... etc). Secondly, you make some very good points about how people should 1.) be able to choose what they do and don't eat and 2.) how some people have very good reasons why they have to eat the way they do and shouldn't have to explain those reasons. Not to mention, what a person can and cannot eat seems to be a double standard. Normally, I am thin (at 31 wks pregnant this might not be true right now) and I am always hearing that I'm "so lucky" because I can eat whatever I want (again, not really a lie). However, I can't eat ice cream unless I want to experience an allergic-like reaction (which sucks because I love ice cream) and the same people respond to that with looks that indicate they think I must be 'disordered'. So, which is it? One moment people are mad that I can eat anything, and the next moment they're mad that I don't eat ice cream. Don't you just love people sometimes?!
I cannot even begin to imagine what this must be like on a daily basis with a food or food group that is more essential to our diets than ice cream. In many ways, I think social media has made this worse with all the pictures of food that people post. Before that, I never really paid attention to or knew what half of my friends ate. Now it's unavoidable. Unfortunately, this constant attention given to other people's diets as a result of social media doesn't seem to help lessen obesity from occurring :-/
Anyhow *climbs off soapbox* thank you for an interesting post topic and hopefully you don't mind if I continue to read. My own 'blog' is password protected but if you ever want to read, feel free to comment and I'll send you the password.
Hey Ereufreudin! Congrats on your pregnancy! I hope you are feeling great and enjoying this time ~ the anticipation of the 3rd trimester was always my favorite time. Thanks for your comment. I'd love to have you read along ~ and my email is at the top of the page, would love to read your blog!