Those days

Where the air is just perfect and completely rare for July in the NE…..the agenda is wide open, and things just fall into place. I love these days.

I subbed a friends 9:30 class today. Only one person showed up, so it became a personal session. These used to scare the shit out of me, now I really love them. I find out what they want/need, and try to give it to them. In todays case, it turned into a gentle class for about 20 minutes then a wall yoga class for the next 40. Wall yoga is amazing. I'm finding that its especially effective with my crossfit clients, enabling them to get deeper into poses, to counterbalance their strength with the wall as a TOOL rather than a hinderance, and a great way to give them easy and effective tools to use at home. If you have never had the opportunity to take a wall yoga class, I encourage you to find one ~ I find them especially effective for those who are especially muscular/may muscle guard etc. SO MANY POSES can be adapted to the wall, and its like this giant playground where a teacher can just be intuitive and watch her students and move them accordingly. I loved it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, google wall yoga and try out a few things ~ for me its an amazing tool.

From there we decided that we had had enough pool for the week, and decided upon a project . We headed to the library, after choosing our subject. The kids settled upon Portugal, as Nate and I are headed there. They were responsible for asking the librarian for help finding the books that they needed, we got them and lots of good reading material for our 2 weeks at the beach, and then headed to the craft store. We chose to work under the shade of the tree in the front yard, on yoga mats, and learned a ton of cool stuff about Portugal. They are about halfway done our project, and have already learned a lot. Its fun watching the research methods of 6 and 7 year olds, while the 4 year old is happy to get handed coloring chores. Its looking fine! I promise a photo reveal later on.

Nate got home by 3, when we all got dressed up and headed into the borough. A binge at A Taste of Olive, some shopping at Obvi and Tish, and then we headed to Limoncello for a ridiculously good dinner. Clams first and then scallops with mushroom risotto for me, a quickie to Wawa on the way home to make ice cream cones on the deck, and everyone is happily in pajamas and ready to settle in. The windows are thrown wide open and this amazing air is filling the house. The light was just perfect today, it just felt sparkly and beautiful and great. I feel like I've almost forgotten about the gym, my "normal" routine is so far from normal that I don't even know what it used to be.

Tomorrow Nate plays early then I play with friends at 11:30. Friends are coming over for an easy dinner and then I have to get into serious prep mode for vacation : packing, a food run, getting the bikes on the car, etc. I head down alone on Monday and Nate joins us on Friday afternoon.

I love magical days. Days with no plan, where the events seems to come together just perfectly. I'm a planner……… these days are rare, but when they happen, and they happen just *right*, I remember that sometimes having no plan is the way to go. It wouldn't work for me all of the time, but every now and again, its a great thing for me, for us.

Open days, open hearts, and just let the magic happen. 

Namaste, friends. 


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