Flashback Friday

Labor day weekend, 2008. A 5 month old and a 19 month old. 

Sneak a peak. 7 year old and 6 year old!

Last night was wonderful. The shrimp was great. The kids peeled the entire 2 lbs for me, cut all the vegetables, picked all of the herbs and basically made the entire meal with some help and supervision! Entertaining is getting easy! I made some changes, roasting the tomatoes for a while with some garlic and olive oil before sautéing them and it was nice. Our friends, from Venezuela, brought a homemade GF guava pie, which was delicious ~ I don't know that I had ever had guava pie, and Christina kindly shared the recipe with me, so I'm excited to try my hand at making one this fall. 

This morning was my semi final club match play match, against a good friend. I won! I'm shocked as I haven't been playing well and I was playing one of the very best players at the club, who has been playing a lot, and playing really well. I was down or even all of the match, then parred 15 to go up one, and hung on, up 2 with two to go, closing it out on 18. This advances me to the semifinals! I'm excited! We play with her and her husband in Sundays labor day tournament, which has a really interesting format, a Chapman (where you each hit drives, then hit your partners drive, choose one ball and play it in in alternate shot format) then use Powell cup scoring, accruing points for Eagles, birdies, pars etc. Its a format I've never played before. Dinner and dancing follow the tournament, and it looks to be a great day, as long as weather doesn't interrupt, which it may. We are poolside now, and I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that its Friday of labor day weekend. Gigs up! Summer is really over and the curtain is dropping. The pool closes after Monday. No more of these long afternoons luxuriating in the sun like a cat. No more brown little bodies with golden hair and lingering chlorine smells and stubbed toes and sticky popsicle faces. 

We were driving to the gym yesterday morning for my final dance party at ACAC and the song "Time of your Life" by Green Day came on. I looked back at the three little faces behind me in the mirror and said "Guys, have you had a great summer? Have we done everything we talked about doing?" as I started to get tears in my eyes. My mind started to race ~ had we done everything? Beach, pool, golf, swim team, check check check. Tyler, zoo, friends, fireflies, picnics, mini golf, boogie boarding, fishing, gardening, I mean, I think that we really got in all in this year. I felt so sentimental, like I just wanted to freeze time, to hold onto right where we are, to put the brakes on this school gig. Of course, three hours later I was getting utterly pissed off at everyone at the grocery store as we did a massive food haul and thinking "Shit I can't wait till school starts"……so there is a bit of wild emotional swings going on around the whole idea of "back to school" here on my end. Nothing surprising about that, I suppose.  

Tonight we all head out to dinner and tomorrow is our last day without a schedule until…….November…..thanks to soccer. I'm equal parts excited and terrified. I need to get a whistle. And, like, a clipboard or something. Seriously. Just call me Coach! ;).

Are you ready? Longing for a bit more summer or ready for tall boots and hot chocolate? 


  1. I am ready for the intermission between the two. One of the blessings of life in the South - it may well be summery for another full month! The pool has been open after school this week and P and I went yesterday when it was 90+ out and the boys were at karate - perfect. They will actually still be open for weekends through mid-september! But I am ready for routines for sure. As much as I am NOT ready for P to start school, I am also ready for it. This is a big transition for me, to both kids in school full time - so the first time I will have more than 3 hours to myself on a weekday. I will need that recharging time since hubby's going to be traveling a lot of the fall and winter. I really crave those bigger doses of quiet and solitude, though I know that teaching, volunteering at school, and hoping to take on more projects will eat into a lot of that time!

    You should totally get a whistle (or 2) and a clipboard, and one of those things football players wear on their wrists with plays or whatever (can you tell I TOTALLY do not get football?

  2. Oh, look at those precious babies! What a great memory. I laughed out loud at the juxtaposition of the tears set to Green Day and the grocery store frustrations. So perfectly apropos of the parenting experience. That meal sounds so fresh and delicious. I love how you seem so effortlessly to incorporate all the seasonally available produce into your dinner recipes. Yum. Good luck with the coaching and your new adventures away from the ACAC. It's great to know you may have an option to teach if you so wish.

  3. Jenn I'm going pinny and whistle and clipboard shopping this week! MIght as well go all in, right? I'm nervous! Then I remind myself that they are only 8 6 year old girls…….and reign it back in. How scary can it be? Right? I hope? ;0 . Nate will be traveling too, I wish you lived closer!!!! And Karly, thanks friend. Wishing all of your precious kids a great year ahead. xoxo and thank you guys for reading and for being such supportive and kind friends. i always appreciate your comments so much.


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