
I love this song. I don't use much current music in my classes as I find that it can be a little bit distracting. This one, however, is just perfect for one of my crossfit classes.

Speaking of peace

I nap with this sweetheart every afternoon. Its addicting. He's growing up much too quickly and I savor the warmth of his soft body against mine as we snuggle down into our "sand pillows".

On the peace theme, I've decided that I want a home altar for my meditation space. Tonight while wandering the great shops of the outdoor mall after dinner I found some of the perfect components that I've been looking for.

Another thing that I have been wanting is a notebook for my yoga mat bag. I so frequently think "remember this remember this" when learning or doing something new in a class, but by the time I get the kids, run an errand, get home, make lunch etc…….I forget. Too much fun in college, man. No short term memory. SO, a notebook. I found a beautiful one tonight that will fit perfectly inside my bag, and this way I can jot down notes as soon as class ends.

It was a fantastic 75 minute class this morning, a long and beautiful day on the beach, a fabulous dinner, some great shopping while the boys played mini golf, and now i'm off to bed so I can be up for a dawn long run. Can't wait. Ordered a Meditation Cushion as well. Found one with the symbol of a lotus flower, so how on earth could I resist?

Namaste. Sleep tight. Last night I woke myself up teaching in my sleep! I was saying "inhale and LIFT your arms up to the sky" as I lifted my arms up in the air…….woke with a start with Nate laughing at me! That was a first.

Peace. Do you have a specific place where you meditate? Tools? What sort?


  1. I do have a home altar set up - I put one of those floating shelves on the wall & draped some gauzy white cotton over it. Have a bronze statue of Ganesh B got me for our 7th anniversary, a small framed picture of Ganesh, and a larger photo of my Guru. Recently added a larger poster of hanuman above, and a gift from a longtime student - a little ceramic disk with "namaste" imprinted on it. I also draped a couple ostensibly cheesy papery fabric leis over it - reminds me of similar displays at the Ashram :) A couple years ago for Christmas B also got me a nice little meditation timer. It does various intervals and has a variety of chimes and tones. I have not been sitting in front of my altar as I need to lately! I've been staying up waaaaaaay too late. I'll be back in the saddle soon :)


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