Made it!

 Post teaching party with my peeps. I came in after my 8 am class to find my house vacuumed by my sweet husband, three kids in party hats, kid wrapped presents, and a joyous aura in the sun spangled house. 
Golf with the people who made me and the person who changed my life for the forever better.  A beautiful day on the links of Applebrook. 

I woke up early to meditate. I've been using the book "Journey to the Heart" to kickstart my daily practice, and todays title was "Be Gentle and Loving". It talked about having let gentleness slip away the journey of life, with all of it's busyness and trials and experiences. It said:

"Gentleness, kindness and love are more than places to visit. They are places we can take with us wherever we go". 

What a beautiful blessing to start my new year with. 

My 8 am class was awesome today. I had made a new playlist that was groovy. I talked about Leo. About the freshness of new life,  of new years, of new intentions. About how every day, every practice is a new beginning. It was one of the best classes I have been a part of from a teaching perspective. I felt a part of my students practice, a part of them. It was powerful. I came home to my best presents, my children and my husband and my peaceful happy home. I felt washed and covered in blessings. I opened presents which were wrapped in love (literally, in construction paper decorated by my children). A great breakfast (part of which was an entire box of one of my presents, a box of milk duds!!!)….then taught my crossfit class. It was awesome. A fabulous round of golf, and a great match with my Mom and I playing Nate and Dad culminating with Mom and I winning the match on the 18th hole. We picked up the kids and met my folks at the restaurant for dinner and shared a wonderful meal. 

Gentleness. Perhaps, even more than generosity, gentleness was the word I was searching for last night. Being gentle. 

I feel grateful. Grateful for family. Grateful for friends. Grateful for a body that today, 2 years post break, feels pretty whole. Grateful for healthy children who love one another, and love me. Grateful for a happy home. Grateful for the awareness that life is not easy for everyone, and the desire to help others. Grateful for the desire to continue to better myself, to seek out the dark places and to shine light on them. So grateful for a husband who loves me, who isn't perfect, who knows that I am not perfect, and who loves me as I am. Grateful for small things. Grateful for a heart that is too sensitive~ though that can be a very difficult way to have to navigate the world sometimes, its much better than the alternative. 

So, I press on! 

Happy Sunday, all. May the coming week treat you all gently, generously, and smile on you. 



  1. happy birthday Melissa! I'm so happy to hear it was an all around pleasant one - downright blissful sounding in fact! these days of bliss fill up our wells, can help sustain us in the more trying moments - just like the quote was speaking of - we take these things with us! om om!


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