"What kind of yoga was that?"

Melissa - Thank you again for subbing my class today.  I am so glad I had an opportunity to observe you teach yoga.  You have such a warmth and caring tone to your voice that the members really connect with.  I had several members comment how much they enjoyed your class when I bumped into them after you taught.
I am so glad you are a part of the YMCA M/B team and look forward to continue working with you in the future.  I can't wait for the pre-post natal classes to start in the fall.
Take care and have a great summer!

Give me a day and time next week when you would be available to teach a family friendly yoga class pool side if you are interested.  I will clear it with Laura and Andrew and add it to the outdoor pool schedule.  I am hearing great things about your classes!  Thank you for all you do for the Y :)

I was so happy and surprised to receive these two emails in my inbox this morning when I woke up. I had had my "120 day review" yesterday, and my immediate supervisor, the head of the yoga program took my 75 minute flow yoga class. I didnt know that this was happening until right before the class, which was probably for the best. The class was great, as it was at 9 AM on a weekday it was a much more homogenous class than my sunday morning or my Monday afternoon class ~  In other words, a bunch of 30-40 year old fit women who obviously had been practicing yoga for quite a while. I'm  not used to that and it was nice, truthfully it makes teaching much easier when you have students of similar backgrounds/abilities. Teaching one class to a myriad of levels is much, much more difficult. 

My review was afterwards and it went well. AS it was going on the head of the entire Group EX program was walking by and stopped to tell me that the head of the Y had told her that she loved my class and that my Monday class was her favorite of all of the classes at the Y. That was wonderful to hear and I'm so grateful that she is enjoying, but the news could have been delivered at a more tactful time (i,e not when I was sitting NEXT TO another yoga teacher? Eh?) It was a little uncomfortable. 

Anyway, the pool class is on for Wed, bringing my class count up to 11 for next week. 

I taught my first class at the new studio today! It was labeled a "Strength and stretch" class, so I kept it static with little to no flow. I tried to keep my transitions seamless. At the end all of the students were like "WHAT KIND OF YOGA WAS THAT?" The general consensus seemed to be that that was fun ~ that they generally only do Baptiste flow and that they lose focus and interest because they always know what is coming next and how close to over the class is. One woman said, "I've never done yoga like that before, I found parts that I didn't know were sore!". It was great, I could see that they enjoyed it and wanted to know when else I would be teaching. That sort of feedback is so much fun to hear ~ walking into a new place as a new teacher is no where near the terrifying experience it used to be, but its still putting yourself out there when you introduce something new to people used to just one thing. I'm happy I went with my heart and they responded so willingly. I see good things to come at the studio. 

AllI can say in my head is "THANK YOU SUE". Thank you for teaching me how dynamic yoga can be. How horrible this whole trend towards "owning" and "branding" yoga is. Its damaging to our teachers, and its damaging to our students. Imagine only knowing how to teach Baptiste flow? What do you do when you get a student with wrist injuries? Or a recent knee replacement? How do you adapt a formulaic "program" of yoga to actual individuals with actual human bodies and human needs? Its incredibly narrow and limiting. 

All in all it was a great experience and a great day. I never would have thought that a year ago when I sent in my registration to SOY for certification I would be teaching this much. I'm actually getting to the point where I'm making a decent financial contribution to our household, at least as far as fun money goes, and it feels really, really good. I was approached by someone to be a spokesperson for a new company……we met yesterday and we are playing golf with her and her husband tonight to talk more. I know Nate will be skeptical, but its an opportunity worth exploring. More to come on that later. 

Tonight we have a 9 and dine, 9 holes of golf with some funky format, then dinner afterwards. I'm looking forward to playing, I had a quick hard workout early this morning of 30 minutes of stairs then bosu work with a 15 lb ball and kettle bell swings and plyometrics. QUick and efficient. I taught at 9:30, had the kids at the pool for swim while I caught up on some reading (so many good books in hand right now) and we all came home for a nap after lunch. I was exhausted and slept for a solid two hours. Rallying now for the night ahead, then we have to be up and out early tomorrow for another mini meet for the 9 and under group. 7:45 on a Saturday…..really? 


  1. Your classes sound amazing. Love that you are getting such good feedback and attendance. It's wonderful to have your work appreciated. Every time I switch up classes, I am rewarded with new muscles showing up to the party. It always makes me wonder how people can continually take the same "formula" classes and not get bored or feel like they aren't getting a good workout. Our gym has some of their own branded classes, but luckily offer a huge variety on the schedule. I was laughing at the poor Barbell Strength instructor last week. She was trying to tack on at the end of class whatever core challenge the gym is pushing for the month. However, I guess there are rules about "Barbell Strength" not being able to do burpees? I don't know. So silly. (I understand sticking to the format on a regular basis, but people could just leave and not do the core challenge.) Love that your gym and students seem to enjoy the flexibility and variety. :)


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