Onward and upward.

 The dynamic duo before their very first swim meet. This was a mini meet, which meant just kids 9 and under. There were a ton of different swim clubs there, not the normal ones in our league. I had to have the kids there at 4:30 to warm up ……and when the meet hadn't yet begun at 5:50 I was dying a little on the inside. Did I mention that it was almost 392 degrees inside the building? And there were about 971 thousand people there? So it was terribly loud and crowded. And hot. So hot. A very good reminder that winter swimming is NOT a sport that we will be participating in. Terrifying. Anyway. Seeing my kids dive right in and compete made me cry ~ literally ~ seeing Julias little blue swim cap and pink goggles swimming a full lap (she was nowhere close to being able to do this just 12 weeks ago)….it was awesome. It's hard! A lap is a long way for a little just 6 year old body to go. She had no qualms, no reservations. And Luke, I could tell that he was swimming his little heart out, I had never seen him try so hard. It is so much fun being a Mom and watching your kids enjoy so many of the same things that you loved as a kid, I can't even explain the feeling that it brings. It's pride, it's nostalgia, it's awe. I have such vivid memories of being a 5 year old girl my first summer of swim practice….and now, well, its 33 years later. No, 34 years later! Shit! 
 Book club and a little old wives talery. Silly signs point to girl for my best friend :) Its amazing how much you can love someone who you haven't even met yet, isn't it? The anticipation of pregnancy is unlike anything on earth, and I love this excitement and can't wait to meet my new faux niece or nephew in September. 
 Working on Peacock Pose. I've gotten it down with my body parallel and am now playing around with lifting my legs up high and ultimately bringing my chin down onto the ground. This pose is ALL about working around the boobs, I think that this pose is way more difficult for women than it is for men. I have to sortov scoop them between my upper arms and really tuck my elbows in, just above my hip bones.  It requires strength, but really (like most balance poses) is simply about finding that perfect spot where you are balanced *just so*. Once you find that spot on your elbows, the pose is effortless. Finding that spot? Takes some effort. The concentration that this pose requires (for me anyway) is astonishing. There are many balance poses where I can cheat, just sortov float in and out, or my mind could roam a little bit…..this one? No. I have to be 100% focused to maintain this pose for the minute or so I try to hold it for. 
Eight Angle Pose.   I had never attempted this pose until about a year ago when I started attending the inversion class. Sue teaches entering it from a seated position (by far the easiest way to enter this pose, if you are lookingg to add it to your practice!), throwing your leg up over your shoulder, hooking your other foot over it, then leaning forward onto the hands and pushing up. Because of my broken hip and the ensuing limited range of motion, I initially thought that I would not be able to do this pose. I was wrong! Like most things, its again about finding that tipping point…….this actually isn't a hard pose. Its really just finding that place of balance where you can comfortably trust yourself yourself to be able to tip forward and let go. 

Today I took a great zumba class with Dr B. (She is M. Knight  Shayamalan's wife). She is amazing! I'm …….not so good……at Zumba. Luckily her style of zumba is more dance party like and her music is awesome, so I've made the class a part of my weekly routine, it leads right into pure barre and its a nice way to start the weekend ~ cardio and toning. The above playing around happened because weeding is boring and yoga isn't, and *something* has to kill time when you are waiting for a school bus that is 45 minutes late, right? (These end of year half days are so dumb, for the record. Just pull the plug on this school year, already!!!)

I'm currently poolside while the kids swim, tonight is time trials, though from the looks of the sky that may not be happening. Tomorrow I'm hitting up Sue's 8:15 class, then Luke has his last game of the season, the kids are going to their cousins recital and we have our challenge match for the couples mixed hustler tournament against the Coppola's. Its our first head to head competitive match that we are playing as a team!!! Its straight bracket play ~ if we win we advance to the next round. I'm nervous and haven't hit a ball since we played Sunday….and if we win we play the Jennings next, who are good friends and would make a great match. I want to win. Tomorrow night is party time for Ted's graduation…..and then Fathers day….a little bummed out that I have to teach twice but I hope to sneak in some breakfast in bed for a great Dad between classes! Its going to be a weekend of beautiful weather….but here comes the storm! Time to run for cover! 



  1. oof, mayurasana. the boobs, the elbows in the gut, oy. I've only ever done it in lotus, which I think is probably easier. But wrist problems have made that one outside my capacity for a while - you look like you're about to take flight! :) Crooked pose/8 angle pose/astavakrasana (I use the snaskrit just because I think it's fun to say :-), I love that one, and agree it's easier to get into via sukha chakorasana. I always get confused and fall on my tush when trying to come into it from titthibhasana, can never figure out which leg is supposed to go in front of which arm :)

    Have fun tomorrow, and enjoy celebrating Nate! We're planning to make mint chocolate chip ice cream from Brian :)

  2. Your poses are so beautiful! I can't even fathom the strength and flexibility it takes to practice and hold positions like that. I am in awe. Hope Father's Day was lovely. xo


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