The fallout.

My legs are bad. I kindov wish the photo did the actual bruises justice.

My arms, especially around my elbows and wrists, are probably worse.

I'm missing half of a fingernail, which is painful.

But the clear winner, and the recipient of tomorrows mini surgery, is my toe.

I'd take a photo, but you'd throw up.

Runners, do you suffer with your feet? I've yet to have a real injury in my (admittedly brief) running love affair, but man do my toenails suffer. I get bi-weekly pedicures. I don't wear high heels hardly ever, and if I do they tend to be open toed wedges in the summer time. Is this just the price everyone pays? Is this unusual? Just my thing? Am I doing something wrong? This is my second one ~ In about 15 months of steady running. My last one was on my other foot, last October, between half marathons. I can still run on it, it actually felt fine for todays 8 mile loop, it was when I took my shoe off that I was shocked and disgusted and on the phone with the podiatrist.

I'm actually ashamed to cart this bruised and battered body to the mall today to shop, I look like the victim of a bear attack or something. However, Luke has grown out of everything he owns all at once and the poor kid has nothing to wear. This sort of thing seems to happen all at once with kids, anyone notice that? Its HOT here all of a sudden, and disgustingly humid, and I am in need of some sort of portable hydration system as I contemplate longer runs. Anyone have anything they like? Camelbacks? Waist pack things? Handhelds? Would love some guidance as this is new to me. I spent 75 minutes running, 3 hours weeding, and have barely drank a thing today ~ what I really need is a damn IV drip. I need to get serious about hydrating or I am going to hurt myself. I'm chugging now. Chug. A lug.

Looking forward to dinner on the deck and some dehydrating fluid intake tonight with Tracy and Nate.

 Still chugging. I swear.


  1. No advice on the toes, but I had to comment on that last picture!

    Such an awesome bad a** picture!

  2. Thanks Adrianne, and for the record, I don't have weird greenish skin ~ that Arctic Enema tank was filled with Green Dyed water ~ we all came out of there some creepy hue of green :)

  3. I don't have any toe advice, either, since I'm a rookie, but I hear you on the kids outgrowing their clothes (and shoes) seemingly all at once! Would be nice to have a little warning.

    Hope your toe and bruises heal up quickly! They are battle scars to be proud of. :-)


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