On vegetables, and vegetating.
I can't get enough vegetables lately. This was my dinner two nights ago. The farmers market has DELICIOUS mushrooms in and I can't find enough different ways to eat them. Grilled eggplant is another craving. This gluten thing is changing my palate ~ I am craving beans, yogurt (which I NEVER eat) avocado. and tons upon tons of vegetables. It's interesting.
In vegetating news.....well.......its been a hard day. I actually left my pottery studio time 2 hours early tonight just not feeling well, mentally or physically. I miss Nate. Its been too long. I will say that when I got home grumpy and tired and sad tonight I had a pleasant surprise of a second set of flowers delivered since he left. Have I mentioned that I have a great husband? I had a nice 5.5 mile run this morning, and while I am looking forward to the tough mudder, this has been a good lesson in paying more attention to my race schedules. I should not plan three races in a row, I miss my regular routine, both mentally and physically. Tomorrow is a very busy day with two very special Mothers Day's tea's, packing for the Burg, a T-ball game and then the ride up to the mountains. It's going to be a long day. I'm in bed...........but not going to sleep until I write a gratitude list. This self pity business has got to go. Embracing gratitude is the only way I know how.
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