So, I got a problem.

So I think that my toe is ruining my life.

Just kidding. With my usual dose of extreme Melissa black and white thinkingism I'm ready to cut off my leg at the hip to spite my toe, though, of course, that wont work.

Instead I'm attacking it with ice, and trigger point therapy, and a foam roller, and massage, and stretching, and, like hippie shit like visualization and patchouli and some sage. And tootsie rolls, because they are gluten free and good for self pity. And I'm even letting Jake stay up late and Luke watch the Phillies and Julia watch an extra show, just for good karma. And I'm probably getting frostbite, because I take icing VERY seriously.

So, yeah. I'm hurt! And I'm taking the hurt in good spirits, literally. Because if you have to be hurt self pity is only going to make it hurt I'm going to call it a vacation, and assume that this is, like, a fun grow out my toenail vacation! Or something. And I am going to totally relax about the fact that I have already packed my suitcase for the beach with my favorite two running outfits, Jeannie's hydration belt AND Ruby, and I'm just going to trust that sleeping ON my foam roller (you think that I'm kidding) while obsessively poking myself where it hurts and icing it like, constantly while injecting cortisone shots and snorting painkillers (wait! Kidding. I don't have any cortisone!) will fix it really quickly........But that pingy thing of Monday when I was obsessively talking on the treadmill....that became a painful thing that I tried to fix with yoga on Tuesday (and I thought felt better) forced me off of the treadmill on mile three a lot of pain. Like, could not run pain. I went straight to the roller. 1200 hours of Massage Therapy School under my belt and it took about 4 hours of obsessive poking and prodding and twisting and poking and stretching this way and that and talking to Jeannie and talking to Rich before I really FOUND it deep in there........and the good news is that all is not lost. I can fix this. If not, eh, 2 weeks off.


  1. Hahaha! I am so with you on the injury treatment drama. I have been RICEing it up like a mad woman. I rest and think my tendonitis is better and really it's not so much. But I had a plan and a goal and I am hobbling through this race no matter what, so my ankle can suck it. I will rest next week. ;)

    Hope your toe and the rest of it get in line and you have a lovely vacation.

  2. As I sit here with my freaking ankle brace on and ice on it - I'm right there with you. FINALLY going to get in the pool tomorrow to swim and then maybe, possibly, perhaps see if I can squeeze in a CrossFit class and modify enough to baby this damn leg. Good luck and REST for as long as you can :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm totally lying about being relaxed about this, by the way. Did I fool you? I'm in a total panic. I'm vacuuming with ice shoved down my running shorts. I did 45 minutes of stairs today and it didn't hurt and actually felt BETTER when I got off. Now I'm not convinced that its my hip flexor. Have a call into my PT and will schedule an appointment for when I get back. I don't do rest well. Karly, I'm mad at your tendonitis with you. And Melis, is this, like, the Steamtown curse or something? This is the suck. I honestly slept with my roller last night. I saw your post about Paleo and want to talk to you as it is funny how close to GF it is given my personal Paleo rants :) We will have to swap ideas as I think that this GF thing is starting to work for me. I keep touching it like I have OCD. I'm going to be locked up if I can't run. Locked.Up.

  4. We jumped into Paleo full force this week (and you know how I feel about cutting things out:). It just made sense, particularly for Matt. No grains = less insulin for him. Less insulin = much better :). I was actually just thinking of you as I was making salad for dinner - have you found any GF salad dressing? And, I made cauliflower "rice" last night - the kids loved it!! Matt too. I HATE cauliflower and managed to not choke on it. Not too bad for a rice/grain alternative.

  5. Melis I don't buy any premade dressings, just use olive oil and balsamic and make my own. Totally hooked on A Taste of Olive in the borough, right on High St by Kiwi or the running store. A little pricy, but so tasty that they last a long time and the variety is insane. I use it on everything from meats to salads to fruits. They have a frequent buyer program so every 10th bottle is free, and if you reuse your bottles every bottle you return you get $1 off your purchase. Helps some. Its a great store.

  6. Thanks for the tip, I'm going to head down there today. I made my own last night, figured it was easiest thing to do. We'll have to compare notes, I'm afraid I'm scaring Matt with my obsessiveness with Paleo. I almost tasted a piece of the kids macaroni last night - well, I did, and then spit it out. He was like, you know you're not going to die if you try it right? Sigh...I know, but, well, for me it's a slippery slope. One piece of macaroni leads to a handful of pretzels and then "poof" I'm downing a bowl of tortilla chips! Have a fantastic vacation and let's catch up when you get back!! Rest easy girl...


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