It's true ~ the adrenaline of a race is something that will never get old. I'm already feeling it, just from the Expo! It has been an insane day and I don't know that I sat down once except for the time in the car driving Nate to the airport and then home from the expo. I don't care about my finishing time, while I would love to meet my goal, what I really want is to enjoy being healthy and fit surrounded by 30,000 likeminded people on a beautiful spring day. It's going to be a party! Most of all, I feel inordinately grateful for a body and a will that makes endeavors like this so exciting ~ I feel sorry for people who miss out on the fun of good health and personal challenges.

I got in a lovely, relaxed 3.5 pushing Jake this morning while giving Ruby her first spin. I find her incredibly easy to use, easy to read while running, and comfortable on my wrist. A win. Sped off to the grocery store to stock up for our time alone, unloaded everything in a frantic rush, then raced off to get the kids at school. Made them all lunch, took my shower, and we were off to the airport, picking up one of Nates classmates en route. Dropped them off *tear*, then met Jeannie at the Expo. Got our bibs, our shirts, and I picked up some of my absolute favorite headbands from the girls at Hippie Runner. I RACED home, threw the kids into their T-ball shirts, and barely made it to the game in time. Picked them up a pizza and made myself the largest bowl of corn and beans and avocado I've ever seen. I'm actually shocked at how much I ate. Tonight was my hardest night of being GF and I found myself insanely craving some of the kids pizza. I resisted, but can see how this is going to be so hard at times. I plan on being in bed by 8:30....will hit up some yoga tomorrow but take it easy (i.e skip inversions/bridge/etc or anything that takes a lot of exertion.) My workout clothes are getting ratty again, so I'm going to try to pick up a few new things ~ no idea what I am racing in yet. Looking forward to our post race brunch and a day of relaxation and celebration with friends after the race.

I feel utterly wiped out tonight, and more than a little sad. While I'm excited and thrilled for Nate and this opportunity, I wouldn't be honest if I didn't admit that the anticipation of the 11 days ahead has me a little blue.


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