The sunset and random rainbow spotted on my way from coming home from teaching my third class today. 
Wouldn't you like to walk into a forest of dandelions and raining blueberries? I would. 

It hit me hard today that I've been spending too many mornings at the gym. Its still beautiful out, but I've somehow fallen into a winter rhythm of indoor workouts and long afternoons cooking. Ive thrown in a few runs and a little bit of golf, but not nearly enough on either front. So? I'm staying out of the gym for a week. Tomorrow I have a long run with a friend planned. From there? We'll see. Each class went well today. Lunch duty even went better ~ I resolved to not look at the cafeteria trays with negative eyes but instead to see the positive ~ and I did. A love note from a Mom here. A kid with oranges and carrots from the Caf, and actually eating both, there. There were a million smiling faces and kids being kind to one another. Not all bad after all, depending on which eyes I choose to look through. I guess that most of life is that way ~ perspective, right?


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