The wedding was amazing. There is nothing quite like seeing your kids all dressed up, seeing them so excited, and seeing them do exactly what was asked of them, and do it with joy.

We spent a beautiful morning at Assateague Island. It is so beautiful there, and the wild horses awed me! They were everywhere! The beach itself was positively beautiful and we spent a lovely few hours playing in the sand and water and reading our books. We then met Nate for a great late lunch at the Green Turtle, and by 3 I was getting everyone showered so that by 4 we could be at the Yacht Club getting them dressed, painting Julia's nails and doing her hair. The ceremony was beautiful and the party was great ~ I don't think that Julia missed a single song on the dance floor!

Weddings are so beautiful. I felt emotional at this one. I feel so lucky to have found my perfect partner and to have been able to become a Mom to these three little people who I love so much. Seeing my family up there standing by Brooke's side as she took this step of faith made me teary. Life is a gift, and love is a gift, and seeing the ones that you love being able to celebrate love together is a special thing.

We arrived safely home this afternoon and I'm laying outside about to take a nap in the cool shade. It was a long haul, these past three days, and I'm weary. Tomorrow and Monday will be marathon days of teaching, restaurant festivaling, and more teaching and volunteering on Monday. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for my family, for Nate, for our kids. Love fiercely. If you are lucky enough to have love, you have everything.


  1. Beautiful family! Love the color coordination. :) Assateague Island and the horses amazed me when we were there. The management they have to preform to maintain a balance between the barrier island ecology and the horses needs is pretty amazing. Sorry, there goes my inner geek coming out. ;)

    I LOVE a wedding. They are just such amazing symbols of the start of a new chapter in someone's life. I don't care if you do it at a court house or go all out, just having that wedding is so beautiful.

  2. You guys look gorgeous! I was going to comment on how nice the kids looked in the last post but when I clicked over to your blog this one loaded -- both are nice pictures, but this one is nice because the whole family is in it. Also, I lovelovelove Julia's dress! Was she a flower girl, or you just found a lovely dress? Hope you have a fun (albeit busy) week ahead :)

  3. Thanks ~ yes, she was the flower girl and the boys were ushers. She was in heaven.


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