Boxing and a run

Anyway. It was a great morning. This cloudy cool weather is lingering but almost over, with temps in the 80's this weekend. Boxing is an amazing workout. Have some aggression to work out? A heavy bag is the place for you. There is nothing like it, I am soaked with sweat by the end of class. We added to the ab workout today and did a 15 minute segment, quite a workout. I jumped straight on the treadmill afterwards and got in a pleasant 7, playing around with my speed and ending in a sprint.
We are off to the farmers market and the park this afternoon, then a GNO for me tonight. 26 miles on the treadmill in three days may be a new record for me, I feel like I'm married to the damn thing. Life just isn't cooperating with my morning run plan or my run outside goals, too chilly. This weekend and next week I hope to get in a lot more time outside. My hamstrings had been sore, and Karly suggested switching back to my old shoes for a run, which I did today. I wore them for boxing and my run, and my legs feel great. Thanks for the suggestion, friend. I am, however, going to be incredibly sore from boxing tomorrow.
Interesting fact of the day I learned:
The average bite of food in the US travels 1300 miles before it is consumed, according to the Food Awareness Project. Decrease distance (and the environmental toll) by supporting your local farmers' market. Produce grown close to home is more likely to be in season and riper when picked.
Isn't that astounding? We have decided to forego our CSA this year. It was wonderful but the pick up day for our co-op didn't work well for us, and honestly, even though it was a tough growing season, we got too much variety and too little quantity to suit our needs. Plus, with canning and freezing and our garden I need more control over what I get and when I get it. Plus we are spending several weeks at the beach this year, and have a lot more going on with summer camps and whatnot, so we have decided to make Thursdays market days and buy all of our produce and meat at the East Goshen Farmers market. Side bonus is that it is at my kids favorite playground, so that works out well for them, too. This also saves me a trip, I could not get organic local and pastured meats through last years CSA, but can get them on site at the this is good. Right now pickings are still slim, but we are seeing more and more each week. Do you participate in a CSA? Do you care about where your food is coming from? What works for you?
You know I love me some Oakmont Farmers Market. Every month of the winter, and every wed of the spring - fall. Still haven't worked out how to manage to buy the quantities we really eat in one week, and not mass quantities of fresh produce that looks so yummy I want to eat it immediately, but ends up not being eaten while fresh..., but I'm a huge farmers market person. I love the sense of community, knowing my farmers, knowing what goes into our bodies..., generally being more familiar with the food. It's good for us all. Plus, at mine they serve wine and coffee tastings.
ReplyDeleteSomething is telling me I should feel sorry for the punching bag today, M. Glad you had a good workout and your legs are feeling better. You really rock that treadmill, lady! We actually skipped out CSA this year as well. We missed out on several pick ups last year due to timing and got large quantities of items my kids wouldn't eat...rather than feel pressure to freeze or can, I am hoping to buy just what we will use. I am looking into local farmers markets as well.
ReplyDeleteThis goes to your last post and this one. I am not on pinterest (refuse to use it) and sometimes feel left out but after your view on it it makes me feel better that I am truly not missing anything. I see alot of the pictures anyway in my FB news feed as everyone feels it necessary to repost there or I see what people are pinning and I am over it fast.
ReplyDeleteWe tried a CSA last year for the first time and split it with a friend. One I would never split it again and not sure I would do a CSA again until the boys are bigger. I eat most of the veggies in the house (didn't really get any fruit) and it was a bad season but also didn't get much variety from ours. So for all of that I am out. I need to find a good farmers market near me that is easy to get to. Kennett is right there but it is right in town and getting there on friday afternoons with 3 might be a challange.
I laughed when you said, "Who boxes naked?" Good point indeed. I am also a bit envious of your "Pleasant 7" on the treadmill. One day I'll be there, right? 7 miles will be "pleasant"? :-)
ReplyDeleteI do care where my food comes from, so I need to seriously consider getting my veggies/fruit from a local market -- the issue is how far away any of them are from where we live.
Guys is a great resource for finding everything from milk to meat to farmers markets.
ReplyDeleteJen you and I need to get together for a "teach me your juicing ways" conversation! Now that I have this beast I need to get on using it :)
Karly, so funny that you and I are going the same direction on this this year! Interested to see how what I spend up ends up lining up price wise against last year, too (our CSA last year was $700, which was nuts).
Jeannie, I love Oakmont and had fun with you there last year. A lot of the same vendors go to East Goshen, and its WAY less crowded than the WC borough one.
I wonder if some of it has to do with the age of our kids, Melis? We had a little more routine the last few summers and were able to fit in the weekly pickup better. This year, I know we will be on the go more because the kids are so much more flexible and participate better. I also got burned out last year because our summer weather created a lot of bumper crops...cucumbers (how many pickles can you make), peppers, etc. It felt really wasteful when I couldn't always find a way to use everything up. At least at a farmers market, I will buy what I can use and (hopefully) someone else can share in a bumper crop rather than it spoiling.
ReplyDeleteWe've been on the farmer's market bandwagon for a while. Somewhere along the way, I decided that while I could never be a strict vegetarian, I wanted my meat to come from a source where the animals were treated "better" and the environmental impacts were lower.
ReplyDeleteWe decided that it was really important to know where our food comes from and for the kids to understand where it comes from. The first time the kids saw the pig head on display from our favorite meat vendor, it led to some good discussions on how meat is really animals and we are very thankful for what they give us.
We're actually struggling with how to maintain this right now. After moving, it takes about twice as long to get to the year round farmer's market and with life it is hard to take that time out of our weekend. We're looking at getting back into a CSA, simply so we can continue to get the food from a source we want. We've tried a few produce delivery places and we just haven't found one we like yet. We're hoping we can make it work this summer while the local market is open (and only a few minutes away), but come the winter it is going to be difficult again.
Adrianne I miss Seattle farmers markets and food in general. I used to work in Pikes Place market, and lived literally around the corner from the Phinny Ridge PCC. I miss the NW terribly, I really do! Winter is hard here, too. They have recently started a pretty good delivery service called Suburban Organics, which is okay for wintertime, but in the summer farmers markets are way easier for us. I hope that you either find a great CSA or a great farmers market nearby!