Sugar/Easter Hangover

This was me on Monday morning. Literally. I changed OUT of my gym clothes after dropping the kids off at school, went to the cafe at the gym, ordered a second breakfast, and read for 2 straight hours. I was a wreck!

This was me on Sunday afternoon. Keeping the house clean and cooking had me already wiped by this point, but the excitement of entertaining was still with me.

I'm glad, so glad, that there isn't another holiday coming up for a while. Entertaining is good, but exhausting. I literally was physically exhausted yesterday morning after three very late nights in a row.
Easter dawned beautiful and sunny. As we aren't the churching sort, we set off to admire God in his creation at a local Arboretum. A fun hike with the kids set the tone of a great day (and kept the house clean). People began arriving around 2 and we ate at 5. I didn't get to sleep till 1. I did about the same Saturday night. Ouch. I will say, as important as working out is, honoring ones body is even more important. I am SO, SO glad I took off my workout clothes yesterday. I needed loads of good food, tons of fluids, and plain old rest. I was asleep before 8 last night, and actually had to wake up to put the big kids to sleep :) Rest is good. Rest is crucial.
I also admit to feeling gross and bloated and a little hungover from food and sugar and general merry making. When my body is so used to being on a pretty regular schedule, not working out and stress and late nights and over eating really do a number on me. I gave Nate a hug and said "I don't feel like running" as I left the house today......and as soon as I started running it was like my body was shouting THANK YOU!!!! and I felt fantastic. The sluggish feeling simply melted off as the miles passed, and I found myself running faster then I realized by about 7 miles in. I decided to push it and ran miles 7-10 in just under 22 minutes to hit 10 miles at exactly 82 minutes. Toned it back down a little to finish 13.1 in 1:48, only two minutes slower than my PR! I know I've mentioned before how I understand how easy it is to never exercise, or to get in a slump that you cant get yourself out of. Just two weird days had me feeling that way! I cannot, however, understand how people can be content to live with that feeling. It sucks! It sucks to feel tired and run down because of your diet or lack of exercise!
Today is the kids first day of T-Ball and practice is very inconveniently scheduled from 5-5:45 so I'm here trying to throw together some soup while the kids nap. It was a truly lovely Easter, spending it with both of our families was a treat, and I feel good to be "back" after my run today. Planning on taking advantage of Nate being around this week by getting out for some 5:30 AM runs.
Anyone else with a sugar or Easter hangover out there? How'd you get through it?
Amazing run! I remember how much you felt you pushed for your 13.1 PR and when I suggested you were marathon bound how you laughed and said you weren't sure about doubling those miles. Look at you now! Strong and fierce. Inspiring.
ReplyDeleteI ran 8 on Easter because I couldn't fit it in on any other day. After family left, I headed out into the high winds feeling bloated and too sugared up. I know that carbs are supposed to be a runner's best friend, but if they aren't quality carbs, they aren't really my friend. (I tend to be sensitive to spikes and drops in my blood sugar). But like you said, it was wonderful to run off the crap. I took it nice and easy (especially since I was running in my zero drop shoes and I haven't exactly followed the advice as to breaking them in slowly). I stopped twice for hydration (looping around my neighborhood is convenient for water stops) and a stretch. By the end of the run, I was feeling so much better!
Hope you have a lovely week of early morning jaunts!
It's funny, I didn't even want to overeat on Easter Sunday, though I did indulge a little. Then that evening I ran 5K without stopping (for the first time again since my injury), and though it was tough because I "forgot" how important it was to fuel up beforehand (I had gone about 5 hours with nothing to eat), in the end, it felt great! I hear you on not wanting to be tired and run down because of lack of exercise, been there done that and I do NOT want to go back!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful family, by the way!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mary, and congrats on your 5K.
ReplyDeleteKarly, your run sounds perfectly timed. I so agree with you on not all carbs being my friend, especially before a run. I want to hear more about how the shoes are working out for you. Since switching to the "barefoot" shoe I notice my shins feeling a lot better but my hamstrings feeling a lot more tight.